Tuesday, November 1, 2016

What's Hot on the Blog 11/1

Nov 1, 2016
Nov 1, 2016, 3 comments

Yellow Journalism - trashing the Veterans Administration in the most scurrilous Fox News kind of way

Happy Birthday - it's a message from the Temple of the Purple Frog

Killing - it's about wiping out the sterile horror of manicured suburban lawns and the state will even pay you to do it

What's Hot

Going - war with mosquitos in a variety of ways because those little bloodsuckers are deadly so what shall we do?  Article is not doom and gloom as there are things we can do.

Finally - a novel use for a drone is refreshing since there are no explosions and it's not just making video of a beach somewhere

Departure - it's not a new approach to management of the problem of street heroin but it's new to Glasgow

All Saints - today isn't just for one saint, it's for all of them.  It's a holiday in Germany and maybe all of Europe.

Mystery Lady - about a beautiful piece of artwork from Mystery Lady

The Robots Are Coming - this one is comical relative to recent articles which go on about the Age of Robots but I was reading today about robot automation on farms and that development moves at incredible speed.  The current article has the thinnest possible relationship to farming.

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