Wednesday, November 23, 2016

When Science Gets Trumped by the Politics

The title implies the article will go after the way Donald Trump and Team Troglodytes have said they will demolish science but we observe they have no capacity for algebra and arithmetic since they do not take into account the backlash from banning things.

Jean-Paul Marat was right in the French Revolution when he said the only way to deal with the nobility was to kill them.  The same situation exists now so we welcome the opportunity to call the bluff of the Republican Party and we invite them to ban every damn thing they want.  We want the revenge against those savage, heartless bastards to be total to give a global lesson on what we do when the Fascists rise again as they have.

The current choice for Trump's Secretary of Education is using the same tedious code of a voucher system as a euphemism for demolishing public education even more thoroughly than they have done already and, thus, further empowering a class system of haves and will never haves.

The way we know the voucher system only looks good in GOP Fantasyland is the shocking disparity between races on infant mortality and subsequent health due to cultural differences in breast feeding and other factors. White women typically have more opportunity for breast feeding and are more assiduous about doing it even while falling short of the period recommended by doctors.  Black women, however, have fewer opportunities for breast feeding due to a generally lower economic status and greater pressure to continue working.  The consequence is substantially reduced health for baby and infant black children.  That's in the face of what's supposed to be the GOP dream of total dedication to private insurance companies.  (Science Daily:  Alarming disparities in health outcomes could be prevented by breastfeeding)

Ed:  kill 'em all in the Republican Party?

Nuke them from orbit.  It's the only way to be sure.

That isn't the basis for the article, however.  For today's What's Hot, the political numbers came out on top since maybe they have a good beat and you can dance to them.  However, Cooper Pedy and, my favorite, the Rock City theme, languished at the bottom.  We can easily blame the Trumpadumpers but do you seriously think they come here.  In fact it was the choice of Die Kaninchen.

The idea of Die Kaninchen seems understood well enough but it doesn't seem anyone likes the name all that much.  The word means 'rabbits' in German and I've given up the derivation behind that previously.  Even though it doesn't seem a big hit, I like it to describe people who aren't driven by things you see on bumper stickers and bulletin boards.

Ed:  your opinion of the general public is sure not too high!

You did watch the last six months or so, right?  I'm surprised most of them don't eat their food from a bowl on the floor of the garage and drink their water from toilets.  (larfs)

Something we have observed during the bitching and whining from neoliberals who, as usual, have it all wrong is demanding a recount of the vote only shows all the more the inadequacies of the voting system as a whole.  The fact that a recount does anything whatsoever shows the electoral system is much like American sewerage infrastructure:  it was built in the 19th Century and doesn't work that well anymore, assuming it ever did.

A recount doesn't do anything to increase confidence in the accuracy of the vote and more likely reduces it but the new result may be more to the liking of whomever demanded the recount even when it's not at all predictable whether a third recount would show the same thing.  There can't be a speck of confidence in a recount if it's not performed three times since otherwise the recount is just a second opinion and is no more than gossip.

Using NASA logic, you wouldn't get enough science to proceed without five recounts since they use five computers for decision-making by autonomous spacecraft.


Anonymous said...

The GOP can not break the education system anymore than the Donkeys did with Outcome based education and No Child left behind.
Horace is spinning in his grave.
The Dept of Education set up a system to teach to the LCD. Now the best and brightest languish in the boredom of the classroms that it created.
Dont get deoressed when the noone but yourself cant understand your writing or the epressive vocabulary that you use. It wont be thier fault.

Anonymous said...

None of my children were breastfeed. Due tothe economic need for thier mother to return to work. She did so before the standard 6 week pregnanxy leave as we could not afford to lose that income.
They went on to graduate 10 ten in their HS classes and mostly skipped the first year of college by the number of AP exams that they passed.
So breastfeeding is beneficial, it is not a make or break. Feeding those children nutrional meals on a daily basis would be far more important. Most need breakfast lunch and dinner all can be accomplish quite easily at school. Yes dinner since the afterschool programs last that long. Then they might have the physical and mental power to compete.
And no I dont care if you implement a voucher system, but you could directly found some private schools to offer more scolarships for lower income families. Luckily most private schools have standard dress codes. So there is no need to try to wear the latest fashions.
As I have said previously this would be a stop gap method to solve the issue.
The answers are not clear but today's result are. Public schools fail the attendees. Rich poor black white hispanic intelligent or no so,it fails them all.

Unknown said...

That your experience was good does not make a general rule and the science from thousands of observations shows it's not. Breast feeding passes along so many important things and you can see the criticality of it in the article.

A dress code for school would be outstanding as the vicarious competition between parents through their children has been revolting.

My problem with public schools is the substantial disparity in quality of the schools between white and black neighborhoods. Your kids did ok in what must have been at least a fairly-decent school but what if they had not had that opportunity because the school just was not there. In my view, the problem has been stacked from the start and there's never been a serious attempt to fix it.

Trump will go the other way with vouchers and the GOP will love that but it probably won't accomplish much. My much bigger concern is regarding breast feeding, actually.

The biggest concern with Trump overall has been his statement about dropping taxes in the first hundred days and there's no way he pulls an offset out of anything he cuts in that time. The boy is on just another Washington credit card, it appears.

Anonymous said...

My kids were in a terrible school in a predominantly minority school. And O dont deny that breast feeding has multiple benefits but it is not the reason for the disparity. Daily nutrional intake is a far more important issue.
Tennessee has a public school uniform.
Vouchers will wont help if it is just used as a tax break for those already in private schools. If it is used to move new students to private schools it will absolutely help those new students.
But his plan would just save rich people money

Anonymous said...

I would think you are past the breast feeding age as most women will stop will the first teeth appear

Unknown said...

No chance that kid comes anywhere near me with teeth!

Trump is evaporating fast but he's still holding consistent on dealing straight-up with Putin. If not for that I'd just fold the cards and walk away. It's not much of a hope but it's somethin' (larfs).