Monday, November 21, 2016

Journo Simulacra Who Colluded with Hillary Clinton

The Ron Paul Liberty Report is another reason Ron Paul is more interesting than his ne'er-do-well son, Rand Paul.  There's never been an example of a perm on a white man which went well and that likely was Rand Paul's mistake.  (Ron Paul Liberty Report: The Real Fake News List)

Ed:   too much heat on his brain?

Prob'ly so

Will you be approaching a point any time soon?

As a matter of fact, the Rockhouse has been slashing various journo simulacra (i.e. simulated humans) during the course of that charade of an election and Ron Paul's report documents the fact multiple of them were colluding with the Clinton campaign.  All of these observations were confirmed via WikiLeaks.

Rachel Maddow, Wolf Blitzer, and others likely are not surprises and many are missing (e.g. Donna Brazile) but the best is seeing the Rockhouse's favorite neojourno whipping girl, Jessica Valenti.

The Silas had her dead to rights as that li'l tart has been striking a pose from the start (takes a humble bow).

If Hillary Clinton had done any more damage to feminism by trying to steal the election this way, women wouldn't even have the right to vote anymore.

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