Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Sociopathy of the FBI and a Classification of Cop Types

The FBI doesn't appear to know the difference between psychopathy and sociopathy or maybe they do and misuse of psychopathy is part of their own disorder in their classification of protesters.  (RT: Through FBI eyes: How law enforcement labels protesters)

The general tone is all protest is bad as they categorize the different types of protesters.

The first kind of protester listed is the bane of many peaceful demonstrators’ causes. Defined as “impulsive,” they’re described as “short-tempered people” who “are the kind who are always spoiling for a fight and only need a fancied insult or slight provocation to excite them to violence or incite others to violence.”

The second is the “suggestible” protesters who “get into the action early and are easily influenced to follow the lead of the more violent.”

Then there are the “cautious” ones. They are “individuals who wait for the cloak of anonymity to give them courage by hiding their identity.”

“Yielders” are a cross between the cautious and the suggestible protesters. They don’t “join the action until a large number of participants give the impression of universality. In other words, ‘Everyone is taking part, so why shouldn’t I?’

Not everyone at a demonstration is a bad boy or girl, though. There are also the “supportive” ones who “do not actively join the mob but who enjoy the show and even shout encouragement.”

One the “resisters” who seem to be the idyllic version of a protester as their “standards of judgment are not swayed by the emotional frenzy of the mob but who maintain level heads. They can disagree with the actions of the majority.”

Finally, the “psychopathic” ones are “individuals with a pathological personality structure,” who are “angry at the world and seek to use a riotous situation as means of getting even with society.”

- RT

Great.  Law enforcement according to Doctor Phil.  No wonder cops turned into such self-adoring narcissists.

Note:  that last is not what psychopathy means as that term is more appropriate for Charlie Manson whereas Jean-Paul Marat is more symptomatic of sociopathy in his drive to deprive the French royals of their heads.  The specific characterization of that last is why cops have become so dangerous since classifying protesters as psychopaths gives them the right to show no quarter to any of us because anything a psychopath does therefore becomes a potential threat to the cop's life and that 'justifies' the cop in shooting first, thinking last; just as we have seen so many times in recent years.

We have our Doctor Phil cop classifications as well.

The "Andy Griffith" cops are good men who know the law, feel a duty to take care of their people, and always know the right thing to do.  These cops are exceedingly rare.

The "I Hate My Daddy" cops are the ones who are likely to be highly-aggressive and violent due to a harsh authoritarian upbringing and they're compensating for multiple inadequacies.  They are usually ex-military because they didn't amount to anything in the Army either.

The "Supreme State" cops usually end up in the FBI or the CIA because they love the state more than Momma who didn't really love them, apple pie because Momma always made it so disgustingly sweet, and the good Lord who doesn't really care about them although they tell everyone he does.

Of the three types of cops, The "I Hate My Daddy" cop is, by far, the most dangerous.  Those ones have racked up a kill count this year of just under a thousand civilians.  Their partners in gratuitous violence are the "Concentration Camp" cops who are usually too fat to work in the field and instead work in locations such as Chicago's Homan Square where cops took people without booking them and it was questionable whether anyone would survive.  (Daily News:  Chicago police detained more than 7,000 people at secret interrogation center: report)

Continue with the secret torture camps the CIA was running and you have the full gamut of psychopathic expression in American law enforcement.  The most supremely demented fucks are the ones who watch on television and defend the behavior of the CIA, cops at Homan Square, etc because they get a vicarious sexual tingle out of remote violence, so long as there's no personal risk to them.  These are the "TV" cops and they're the enablers and, thus, a danger to everyone on the planet.

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