Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Departure from Typical Management of Street Heroin in Glasgow

There are only two things America teaches on drug management.  The first is how to keep the opium flowing from Afghanistan and the second is how to launder the drug money.  In any other context, America only provides the ways not to do it when it comes to prevention or at least management of the use of illegal drugs.

Multiple countries have turned to legalized 'shooting galleries' where addicts can go to safely inject their heroin.  The objectives are multiple in trying to prevent overdoses, to reduce open street use of such drugs, to manage the level of refuse left on the street by addicts (e.g. needles, etc), and to bring general cleanliness to help prevent the problems from getting worse.

Glasgow, Scotland, is now attempting that social experiment and we wish them well.  (RT:  Free heroin given to drug addicts in Britain’s first supervised ‘fix rooms’)

My visit to my birthplace turned out to be less than fortuitous.  I had never seen Scotland since my parents left Edinburgh when I was one-year-old.  The stand-out impression on returning when I was sixty was off rampant heroin abuse in the class of poor white people.  At the time, this was fundamentally shocking to me since I had not heard of that in America except within the class of 'rednecks,' typically regarded as America's white trash, but I had not personally encountered that.

In Scotland, the man was sitting right next to me to tell me he can find hash but it costs more for leaf and, get this, let's get some heroin.

Get some fucking what??

There's no need to tell the rest of that story since the only purpose is to describe a radically different situation from that which I had experienced in America even after I have a long history with illegal drugs albeit with deliberately little concentration on narcotics.  That flipped the scale when I went to Scotland since it was suddenly inverted and ganja was trivial while heroin dominated.

Holy fuck.

At that moment I believed, in a non-religious sense, I was in the dead center of Hell and, in that context, I was.

Note:  I'm not now nor have I ever been addicted to any narcotics.  Some say I'm addicted to the ganja but I believe that's destructive thinking because it marginalizes the meaning of addiction and that lessens the focus on solving the actual problem of narcotics.

My subjective impression was the problem with abuse of narcotics was worse in Scotland and I have no empirical support for that belief, it was just my general take.  Whether Scotland is better, worse, or equally bad relative to America's efforts to interdict heroin doesn't make much difference since the problem exists so what shall we do about it.

The Rockhousian principles of opiate management have come primarily from Lotho and we look to knowledgeable guidance from him due to his experience.  His emphasis has been to get away from head-cracking by police and more toward medical support for addicts with the hope at least some of them will find the way back home.

It appears Glasgow is trying some first steps toward that and we commend them highly for the initiative.

Kim Kardashian is someone routinely loathed on Ithaka because everything was handed to her and she evolved into nothing more than a fat ass trollop.  Lindsay Lohan started out with a lot being handed to her but then the state decided it liked punching her.  From the look of things, it seemed she kind of like being punched so it went on for a while in which every time she got back up the state would punch her again.

Given the right help (i.e. not the state), here she is now.

There's not a bruise on her now and she looks to be doing just fine ... remarkably just fine, I might add.

Ed:  so what?

A helping hand does a whole lot more than a thump on the head.


Anonymous said...

In my opinion is Lohan is just another out if control super rich spoiled brat who believes she is above the law.
They are more like the Methadone clinics in the US where addict has to go several times a day to receive the injections. But unlike the US clinics, they are assessed and then put on a schedule to reduce the dependence before a complete detox process.
Unless it is associated with therapy to peel by the onion to target the reason for the addiction it is really just a stop gap program
It would also need to incorporate a life skills program including job training, time management and basic hygiene. It is scary at times the lack of day to day life skills that addicts either never had or never implemented.
Just getting an addict clean is just the beginning and the easiest part of a complete recovery.

Unknown said...

Lohan is or was all those things and may just be the perfect case study for exactly the problem you describe. The state kept trying to break her down rather than cure anything and I have admired that she kept getting back up even if just to flip them off.

Even so, she's symptomatic of rich white punks on dope whose sense of immunity to everything may have led them to believe they could get away with it. If the state had treated her in the way you suggest, I suspect the result would have come much easier.

She helps refugee kids now or at least shows them more concern than most.

Anonymous said...

She was sent to rehab after rehab. She doesnt come close to needing that style of help as she has everything including the traditional hollywood minion to wipe her lily white ass. She just did not want to lose her Hollywood party girl lifestyle.
And the state never swatted her down. She was treated with kid gloves. Lesser known would have years incarcerated for what she did. And costs and fines far beyond thier ability to pay. Her accountant signs a check and off she goes

Unknown said...

I've got no particular reason to spank her and she does work with refugee kids just now but I don't believe the legal handling had anything to do with that result.

As to the rehabs, that was exactly the treatment you were saying doesn't work insofar as it's unrealistic to expect a thirty-day Betty Ford wonder treatment will fix it. As we saw, it didn't. For me, that confirms all the more what you have said about radically improved ways of dealing with it at any level with the most obvious, also as you say, at the low end rather than the top.

Anonymous said...

Rehab does nothing if the addict doesnt want to stop. She didnt want to stop. She is the same as Caitlyn Jenner another news maker that hurts those like them
Many suggest a jail term to allow the drugs out of the system so the addict isnt thinking with the "drug" brain and can start to make real decisions.

Unknown said...

Would love to throw a snappy answer which might even work but there are so many things confounding the problem at the center of it and people keep getting dead behind it.

Up front, regardless of the individual, I'm thinking I want the Tough Love Lock Up. It's not punitive and it's not a jail but you're not passing this step until you are detoxified because you need to get clean before you're even fit to talk about it.

They can't get sprung after that single step because the richies will be doing it again the same night. That's where all the confounding parts come into it and your observation you have to want to do it or no point.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you need the lock up aspect to show where the present path leads.
Tie it to a rehab house and you have a beginning.
If you research PAWS it is at least two years before brain chemistry returns to normal depending on length and level of the use of DOC
The keys is that the addict has a true belief that they can succeed and there is help to guide them down that path.
Most have the why bother I will just fail sooner or later so might as well fail now

Anonymous said...

You would be amazed at the reaction to a simple cookout. They can not believe people would do that for them and not have an alterior motive behind it.

Unknown said...

Your knowledge is acquired the hardest way and the wise move is to listen to it.