Monday, November 28, 2016

The Aetherius Society, a Future for Men with Ponytails

On seeing a man with a ponytail today, it's much like seeing a man with a mullet but the one with the ponytail is more likely to have bathed recently.  This one even owns a tie.

There is a future for such New Age Mullet people in The Atherius Society where they can be emissaries on Earth for the Interplanetary Parliament.

I love these lunatics.  From the politicians we only get scripted crap for the Five Best Ways to Make Porridge (from people who never cooked in their lives).  From the Aetherians, we get spaceships and, as Fellini advised, having spaceships is better.

"It's even got a spaceship!"

- Guido in "8 1/2" (regarding the movie he was trying to make)

For art movies, that one has the all-time Ithaka prize.

It's not clear what the Interplanetary Parliament thinks about hell on Earth.

Black Saturday on the Bay Bridge on November 26.  All this was caused by a relatively minor accident and a subsequent minor accident a short time later.

And they say this system works (larfs).

What kind of living rat bait hell is that.  There must be a thousand cars in that mess, all of them with at least one person sardonically observing, "Happy fucking Thanksgiving."

But, speaking of rat bait ...

Auf Englisch ist 'there is always a way!'

Sometimes the way is when the rat rethinks his position and realizes a helmet is hardly ever good for anything in a bike crash.  Sometimes it's best to ride on by and leave that cheese for the next rat.

Ed:  don't wear a helmet?

Maybe that's your choice but don't wear one with the expectation it can do more than it really will.  They're good for relatively small whacks but a big head whack will probably kill you anyway.  If I had a kid then I wouldn't let the little tyke ride without a helmet, tho.

Ed:  you controlling bitch!

Maybe but you can't fix a head whack.  Most other stuff they can more or less stick back together and I'm living proof of it but not that.

The hardest part of parenting for me would have been letting the kid get bored.  S/he needs that to discover how to get to the state of not being bored but the temptation as I see almost ubiquitously in modern parents is to keep the kids busy constantly.  Maybe I would have been sucked into that too but I do believe that boredom is important.

George Carlin throws it down with 'what happened to a kid with a stick in the yard ... digging a fucking hole?'

Some of you probably remember playing with marbles and no-one tells you the rules.  The kids make up the rules so then you just need some marbles ... and to gig a hole.

There's always some wise guy who finds a ball bearing somewhere and that becomes the killer because the glass marbles don't have a chance against a steel ball bearing.

None of those kids were fretting over the battery running down in a cellphone.

Ed:  if suddenly bubbles appear and I hear Lawrence Welk for this nostalgic crap, I'm going to heave my lunch.

The perspective is nostalgic but the context is modern when soccer moms are the archetypical parents who never give their kids a moment's peace.  Carlin goes on about that in a great way.

Ed:  did you hear all this from the Interplanetary Parliamanent?

No.  They only said they have great deals on Cyber Monday.


Unknown said...

Hello there. This is Oscar, the guy with the washed pony tail in the video :) Not sure why you felt you had to make incorrect and negative remarks about me or The Aetherius Society, but I would like to invite you to have a conversation about The Aetherius Society, and myself if you like, to get a better understanding of what it is all about. We're not as lunatic as you may think we are. And the spaceships is a very small part of it. Important, yes; but a very small part of it. We're really about making this world, this "hell on Earth", a much more enlightened, peaceful and Spiritually evolved.

If you would like to chat further, let me know and I can send you my personal email address and/or phone number. I would be happy to have a friendly chat.

Unknown said...

Thanks but prophets aren't quite so captivating at sixty-five as they may be when you're twenty. So long as you're not slaughtering wagon trains, you'll score higher than the Mormons.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the reply. Sorry, but I don't quite understand the first part of your comment :/ Who are you referring to?

Unknown said...

The offer to speak still stands and is always open to you.
Hope you have a happy and blessed holiday time!

Unknown said...

Good luck to you, Oscar, but it's not likely our definitions of happiness or blessedness are the same.

Unknown said...

My wish was/is for you to have a holiday time that is happy for you and blessed for you, however you define those terms for yourself personally, regardless of our difference in definitions. Best wishes to you :)