Monday, November 21, 2016

Lotho, You Need an ICON A5 Aircraft

Wanna fly to the beach this morning?

Flying the aircraft does require a pilot's license at the Sport Pilot level.  It appears the aircraft is not terribly expensive for this range of gizmos but the training to fly it takes about thirty hours and that will likely herniate the wallet somewhat.

Some of the design goals were to make it a forgiving aircraft and to make it easy to fly.  There's a recent article on CNN from Sarah Sekula about her first experience flying one.  (CNN:  Flying a sports car with wings)

If it's your predilection to do extreme things then you will probably hop up the aircraft in some way and end up killing yourself in it.  However, if you treat the aircraft sensibly and only fly it in safe VFR conditions (i.e. visual only / no instruments required) then you should likely have a whale of a good time with it.

Flying it with much wind would make for a novel experience since how will you handle a crosswind landing when you are putting down on the water.  Maybe you can't change the landing path you will take because of the shape of the lake or something.

There is one Rockhouse question on these aircraft since we would like to see transponders on them so other aircraft know where you are and you know where they are.  It seems like hobby pilots could smack into each other relatively easily without them since many are likely sightseeing and may not be so attentive to their piloting.

We know of course y'all will be more responsible than that but it seems a worthwhile security feature.

Note:  maybe a transponder is hella expensive.  Unknown.

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