Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Pope Francis Confirms Women Are No Damn Good and Will Never Be Any Good

Pope Francis confirmed today most emphatically that women must never be ordained into the priesthood.  (USA Today:  Pope: Women will be banned from priesthood forever)

"St. Pope John Paul II had the last clear word on this and it stands," Francis said during a news conference aboard the papal plane on the flight back to Rome, according to Reuters.

The reporter then asked "Forever, forever? Never, never?"

"If we read carefully the declaration by St. John Paul II, it is going in that direction," the pope responded.

- USA Today

Going in that direction?  In what fucking direction can it possibly go.  It's not a question of how many different colors you might use to paint your bedroom but whether a woman's word carries the same spiritual weight as that of a man.  It does or it fucking doesn't and there's no direction to go beyond get the fuck over the Middle Ages.

Pope Francis is going with the word of Pope John Paul II who (smiles beatifically) is now a saint and he must assuredly be one since the Vatican has a crew of miracle checkers to ensure anything called a miracle really is a miracle and not something which just looks like a miracle.

It's good to see JP II is a saint and the Church could reward him for showing his restraint since he could have encouraged pedophilia even more by holding a Boy Scout jamboree in the Vatican but he did not do it.

We obviously can't have women in that cadre.  After all, who knows what weird shit they might do.

The Catholic Church has been around around for 2000 years and likely this bitch about women being second to men has been going on for 1999 of them but it still doesn't stop.

Dick Gregory observed women didn't have anything until black people started bitching and they got the vote long before women.

Ed:  women need black people to overturn the Vatican ruling?

It's the other way around since it sure as hell wasn't black people who made the ruling in the first place just as it wasn't black people preventing women from voting.

Old White Guys are at the bottom of it every time and here's another one in Pope Francis saying, "Never."

Well, what else would you expect from an Old White Guy.

Ed:  you're an Old White Guy!

There is no pride to take in that when such attitudes continue.

Ed:  lighten the fuck up!

Not a problem as the next move is another installment of "Hitch" with small measure of herbal hijinks for the suspension of disbelief to accept Eva Mendez dates anyone except the Gods of Olympus.

It's just an anomaly in this Church thinking relative to a world which, in some ways, moves rapidly forward and the Church loses members but also clings obsessively to the idea it won't be anymore the Catholic Church if it accepts the equality of women but likely it won't be anyway since it will become more and more an idiosyncrasy of a past time if it fails to evolve.

Ed:  oh sure, that was much lighter.

How about an article I have halfway scribed about nuke sub disasters at sea which resulted in total loss of the vessel and, usually, the crew.  There's fun in that one for the tiniest li'l chipmunk in your maple tree.  Like those submarines, the article may never surface.  No telling.

April 7 is the day of remembering all submariners lost at sea.  They didn't say that means only Russian submariners but all of them.

The science has been cool lately but there hasn't been much which extends toward the Rock City so that means it must be time to Return to the Rock.  It's been stuck on heat management for some while and that's not quite as boring as extending the Election 2016 another month but it's not a whole lot more exciting.

Therefore, assume the foundation exists and jump to the sociology of populating the Rock City.  Then backfill the first part with how the foundation actually got built.  There's sure to be some dissent regarding the sociological evolution but I doubt anything which comes to open combat.


Anonymous said...

Do you know how long it will take if a women is hearing confession? Not to mention how many Hail Mary will be assigned for each sin.
Just remember wimen teachers assigned more homework
And are you going to confess what her sister did to you the night before
It will bring down the church

Unknown said...

What about telling the priest what you did to his sister? Ain't going to happen! (larfs)

Anonymous said...

Do you know how long it will take if a women is hearing confession? Not to mention how many Hail Mary will be assigned for each sin.

Just remember women teachers assigned more homework
And are you going to confess what her sister did to you the night before
It will bring down the church

Since open combat exists in almost all cultures of the world, why would it not be in Rock City?

Unknown said...

I mean I doubt there's any open combat regarding huge sociological changes in the Rock City. Likely the reaction to any aspect is it will be judged as having promise or it looks completely crazy but it's still a fantasy place so I doubt anything is particularly emotional in reviewing it ... unlike when a woman hears your confession.