Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Mystery Lady, the Card is Extraordinary

It's not a painting and it's not a drawing so I don't even know what to call the image.  When I first opened the wrapper, Yevette was watching and it didn't grab her so much because the wax paper still covered it.  There was a major ooh wow once that paper came off and the colors came out.

"Visceral" goes right to it since I see it in the middle of something and trips all around, a bit reminiscent of the gradations Alex loved to use.  I can't take a picture just now since I have a knack for running down the camera battery in stupid ways and have just discovered I've done that again.

It's a lovely piece so the first thought is how to display it and I did notice the note on the back for your suggestion.  It's a pity people can't see it but I can't get a picture of it for a few hours and I'm not sure it will be possible since flash does horrible things to pictures.  We'll see.

I even kept the note which introduced it and that one is beautiful as well.

The card is a riot and you're absolutely right they don't make 'em like you anymore.  There's no question in this one's mind.

You mentioned a minor miracle and there is not much sign of blood even though there is nothing which explains that change since the ganja is still happening and it is in moderation just as I've said.

No need to analyze it as accepting the goodness of it works just fine and Cat was talking of how she was so surprised the first time she went out for Halloween with her quite young son.  She had never seen it before in Germany and her son was willing to keep collecting candy until she could convince him people just want to go to bed now.

There's a festival somewhat similar to Halloween but without the trick or treat aspect and it's one of a variety of Laterne festivals and there's a reason that sounds like Lantern even when it's German because both mean the same thing.

The view is all these Laterne will fly up as spirits to join something Bigger Than Us All, something of that nature.

There was some talk of why the emphasis over here is toward getting stuff whereas over there it's more toward giving things away and I do think burial practices show some of the basis for it.  Not to worry as this isn't morbid.

Likely you know American cemeteries and they're kept as sterile as laboratories with not even a shred of life in them except maybe some ducks and swans.  There's a large focus in America toward burial and being reborn when Christ returns.

The European cemeteries are different and, as I saw in Greece, the gravesite will often tell a story about whomever has died so you get to know this person and it's to tell a story of the spirit which was set free rather than one which remains.

That difference I suspect is why the focus goes toward the Laterne and that thinking might be utter rubbish but it seems logical.  Hopefully that wasn't perceived as morbid and if it was then, well, you're a wimp (larfs).


Anonymous said...

Oh yes! You "GOT IT" immediately!!! I certainly DID channel Alex and it was done especially for you!! Visceral...I thought of drawings I did in Biology class and a little of the old classic movie Fantastic Yoyage. Alex would have approved and he was so supportive. I tell you, I'm having so-oooo much with experimentation!!

And there was a little sweetness for me--the fact that it reached you on your birthday--I'm tickled and over the moon!! And you "got" the connection!!

No need to take a picture--it's for your eyes only.

I'm so happy!! It makes my day..you just have no idea how much!

P.S Did you see the Scots thing and smile at the end?

Anonymous said...

Not morbid for me...I love the practice of releasing helium filled balloons at the graves site and burial. Its the same sort of thing. Graduating, being transported....

Unknown said...

I remember him calling you Suzy Parker when you wore that bunny coat and it seemed such a good connection right around that time. It was anyway but that was extra special.

I feel like I just 'got the wine' in a fancy restaurant ... and it feels quite good! I do see a special thing and something going beyond the immediate story. It's beautiful as it sits but every picture tells a story, story.

Yes, I did see the other link and I didn't get it until I saw the name at the end and that was definitely a smile.

Thank you for all of this!