Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Robots Are Coming or, Well, You Are

There has been thinking on Ithaka that Japan has the lead for making sexbots since they make ultra-virginal and highly-beautiful Oriental doll faces with bodies built to whatever degree of voluptuousness you specified, we guess, on your sexbot order form.  They have been said to be microprocessor-controlled to do more than provide vacuous robo conversation since they can get a wee bit more jiggy with your jumbled jive.

However ...

It appears Abyss Creations in California is claiming the lead in authentically authentic, fo' real, anatomically-correct sexbots.  (Metro:  Talking sex robots with ‘human-like’ genitals will be on sale next year for £12,000)

One thing we have learned from the Internet:  never ever ask just how weird does shit get.  There is no apparent limit.

But it gets better ...

Here at the Rockhouse, we failed since our answer was it's only infidelity if you tell the sexbot you love it.  The reason we get scared is how can it be six out of ten respondents are familiar with fucking a toaster?

The article asks with such pious reverence if a man could fall in love with a sexbot but our answer is men have fallen in love with watermelons so long as they're close to room temperature.  Many a young man has thought it was love simply from someone being nice.  There will be men falling in love with their 'bots even before they get her out of the packing crate.  This takes 'mail-order bride' to a new dimension.

Another thing we wonder is about sexbots for dogs since they often bark but anyone who knows dog language hears them calling out, "I'm stuck in this fucking yard by myself and I never get laid.  The only fun is in running off the cats."

Ed:  so you're talking bitchbots?

I sure enough am.  Nobody likes it when Fido is loving up your leg and a female dog is a bitch so it's time for the Day of the Bitchbots.  Have a ball, Toby the Dog.  And you thought he only loved hush puppies.

Ed:  your vision is the man with his sexbot and his dog with his bitchbot and then fade to Kumbaya?

It's a glory, isn't it.  We are so not worthy of this bounty.

Ed:  what about real women?

Well, there's always artificial insemination.  Maybe they should have been a bit more supportive of NASCAR.

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