Thursday, November 24, 2016

George King, First Cracker in the Cracker Barrel

If you have thought Scientologists are the most twisted of current sects, you must not yet have had the pleasure of an introduction to George King who says a voice told him he is to be the emissary on Earth for the Interplanetary Parliament.  Today his Aetherius Society may have several thousand adherents.  (WIKI:  Aetherius Society)

It gets better as he also said Buddha and Jesus are Cosmic Masters who came here from Venus.  Right away, we love this guy.  People are usually just annoying when they go a little bit crazy but this guy bought the whole crazy package plus the premium options.

Note:  there's no validation of him having a PhD in anything.  That's the beauty of a cheap suit and a camera as you can give yourself a degree and people will believe it.

Ed:  why didn't you do it?

The Cosmic Masters (sob) did not contact me.

If only George King could have connected with L. Ron Hubbard as they could have written the worst sci fi of all time together. The world would be a boring place without such lunatics in it.

The TV suits are such a drag and they always speak in such predictable ways.  They don't tell us anything but the lunatics on the fringe see the things no-one else sees.

Ed:  because they aren't there.

Some people see street lights and other people see UFOs.

It's your reticular vision, see.  It's a network of atomic particles within the eye which permits more powerful vision but which is suppressed by stress, noise, and most aspects of modern life.  All of us are capable of reticular vision but only a few of the Sensitives have willed ourselves to fully actualize the sense within us.

Ed:  you should get a suit and do this for a living.

Well, I don't do anything for a living, see.  That's one of the perks of getting old.

But ... to maximize your reticular version send $9.95 to cover shipping and handling for the Ithaka Guide to Reticular Vision and Extrasensory Perception.

Ed:  send it where?

I haven't exactly written it yet.  Besides, if you're qualified to receive it you will already know where. The Interplanetary Parliament will tell you.

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