This is another photograph from a series of photographs of a wedding in Russia. The participants do not have much and you can see from the table they only have fruits plus some bread and pastries. The drink is likely fizzy water rather than sugar soda or alcohol. Her eyes are clear for the girl drinking from her glass and she doesn't look at all buzzed. Maybe she is the bride since most others seem older.
It seems many traditional outfits have coins of this nature as part of the ensemble and bellydancers use them all the time. Maybe no-one even knows how ancient these traditions go and still they're carried forward today. Even when people are poor in such villages, they must keep the traditional garb to one side only to bring it out for special occasions. Maybe they hand it down over generations as well and haven't lost the skills to make more of it.
Did you ever notice it seems any time your journo sophisticate describes a small town it will be 'a sleepy little village' but what's this about sleepy. They're all doing what they do and there are no supermarkets so someone needs to do it.
Sometimes the sophisticate also comments about 'their unhurried ways' but that implies being hurried is normal. If you think that's true, talk to Brer Rabbit about Brer Terrapin.
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