Monday, June 6, 2016

What's Hot on the Blog 6/5


Establishment GOP - it's one majorly comical thing when the PlastiDems are so taken by the (cough) progressive Hillary Clinton while at the same time Establishment GOP seriously considers voting for her.  Clinton is progressive in the same way as setting up Olympics for dinosaurs to discover which is fastest.

Inspired - people all over Facebook are talking of their undying love for Muhammad Ali and how much he inspired them ... but they will still vote for Trump or Clinton so we don't fookin' believe a word of it

Happy Birthday - boundless wishes of happiness for Mystery Lady plus a wish for some pelicans at the party.  No party is ever really cool unless it has pelicans so we can wait for someone to ask why pelicans always fly single file.  That's when we know that person is too stoned and it's time to go home.

You can see from the other dates, there wasn't much written yesterday.  There was some surprisingly satisfying Galaxy Guitar time and that was suitably boisterous to re-define social network ennui into some audio ass-whoopin'.

After all, the only reason for the success of the social networks is because TV got so fucking awful.  You had to know after "The Sopranos," something bad was going to happen to entertainment.  You could see incipient social network sensibilities in Tony the Mafia Guy getting all worked up for a duck which landed in his rich bitch gangster swimming pool.  There was all of Facebook in a single episode and, regrettably, I watched it because some friends were saying, oh, oh, oh, you have to see the coolness of this show.

So I saw "The Sopranos" and it did for cinema what Mad magazine did for literature so now we can't have nice things and only get Facebook instead.

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