Saturday, June 25, 2016

Living the Good Life

Some of you do live the good life and you tell me about it.  I'm happy for you as you worked for it and you earned it.  That's sincere and I emphasize that as I have no qualms with people who actually worked for what they have got.  It's the same reason I loathe the Clintons, Trumps, etc or any of those cheap-suit charlatans who pose as America's leaders and moral authorities.

Regardless of that, it won't make your good life any better by ripping the shit out of mine, something which has been done with assiduous purpose ever since I got back from Scotland.  I don't know why and it doesn't matter because the damage has been done and it's not interesting anymore except it plagues me as to the reason for any evil purpose.

There has been surprising temperance from Doc but I'm damn sure not going to complain about it.

When I'm ripping someone on the blog, it's a celebrity of some kind who, in my view, deserves slashing.

(Ed:  you slashed the shit out of Bibi!)

Yep, I sure did.  I made her a celebrity and she stabbed me for it.  After mapping out the route for the Galactic Peace Tour, her only response was, "I thought I was going to plan it."

In English that means, "Fuck you.  I've been undermining this all along and I'm not going."

So I dumped her (shrug).

It cost me a lot but it would have cost far more and vastly more important things if she had been permitted to stay involved (I think she was in Iowa at the time).  When I tried rolling anyway and saw there was no chance I could do it by myself, it was over.  She would have been easy to replace but, by that time, I wasn't interested.  The much more important thing was to try to make things right with the Mystery Lady.

(Ed:  what became of her?)

No idea and no interest.  I actually have more interest in the guy who hit me with his car in Cincinnati.  That bit of human wreckage was at least an interesting study.

Spare me any criticism if you would as you all hated her (larfs).  That's not a criticism of you, she earned that by being false to you.  She couldn't get away with doing you the way she did people on Facebook.

(Ed:  is she still there?)

Seriously, no idea.  I rarely look for people online even when I like them.  My only interest was to be such an asshole she would stop stalking me.

In the end, it all comes down to Tony Soprano.  He's right but it's difficult to get to that state.

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