Sunday, June 5, 2016

Inspired as Ever by Muhammad Ali

Few have ever stood so forthrightly for peace, human rights, and human values than Muhammad Ali and he gave up everything to hold those values.  In a world in which most are just flapjaw pundits or quoting things flapjaw pundits said, Muhammad Ali always delivered what he said ... except he defeated Sonny Liston in six rounds instead of his predicted seven.

Thus far, we have not seen Megyn Kelly deliver a white Santa ... or any gift for comedy, for that matter.  She's not daring enough to be Kaley Cuoco but Penny isn't either.  At least Penny is funny and we like that better anyway.

Much of my own life I categorize as assault from the Establishment since it comes from everywhere the moment you step outside of wherever you live.  Battery is the actual hitting whereas assault is the hallway propaganda spreading at work, it's the jingoistic stickers which pop up all over the workplace and surrounding to support our troops, it's the commercial news media, and it's every other medium they can use to impose their thinking on the land.

Sometimes it's even your family and the first blast of believe or die was ten or so years back when it was a matter of support the GOP or we hate you and you're no longer a member of the family because you're disgusting filth who should die before the rubbish haulers come back around next week to haul your dead ass away.

That destroyed the family but it didn't shake my beliefs and things have largely settled down from that with the camps now clear there's no point in trying to change the other since it's not going to happen.  A truce won't rebuild a family but at least it holds a peace.

Then another took a shot at the title and did the same thing.  Believe or die, I have seen the truth.  All we see from this is nothing was learned from the first time.  I have never cracked under intimidation and it damn sure won't crack me now.

The simple thought is I won't listen to reason but I suggest there is no reasoning when you're preaching dogma, particularly when it comes from somewhere else.

I'm not the one who rolled over and I stand firmly on my ol' Dad's philosophy nothing counts but the win.  It's got to be the full package of peace in our time, equal rights for all, and fairness in every way.  Anything less is a cheap cop and we have never accepted that as a standard.

(Ed:  you didn't go to jail for it!)

I would have seen more people in my life if I had been in jail, many more.  I probably would have played there too ... because it would have been a way to stay alive since fighting sure as hell would not have worked.  Out here nothing matters except staying away from the tyrants.

(Ed:  you don't play now!)

I was playing twice today, once with "I Love Rats" as kind of a speed test and once working up some clean chords to make something pretty; that went surprisingly well.  There would have been a third time but Yevette crashed and I won't use headphones for playing anymore.

Two things stop the music: the first is the ability to do it and the second is oppression.  Why the first goes up and down is not clear but the effect of oppression is consistent and immediate, the music stops.

I'm advised playing which is not a live performance is just masturbation but it's my perception it's the other way around.  Unless I have reason to believe coming out to masturbate in front of a crowd will at least give someone a smile rather than a laugh, I have zero reason to do it.

(Ed:  what the hell oppression is the problem?)

Any of it but most typical is grinding in-yer-face personally-offended GOP provincialism.  My feelings are hurt and, goddamnit, you did it with your pagan beliefs and your idolatrous economics.  My mind goes into Catch-22 overload from that and the music stops.

I don't understand the purpose of intimidation since the only way it is possible from this blog is if you choose to come to read it; we don't send it to your televisions and we don't make bumper stickers for your cars.  We don't even pony up the few dollars needed for some tacky highway billboards.

The first billboard down here reads "GOD IS TRUTH" and then, a little way down the road, there's another which advises "VISIT MAGIC MOUNTAIN WHERE BALLS ROLL UPHILL!"

From this we understand easily why Lady Bird Johnson was so vocal in trying to prevent highway billboards so we could Beautify America.  As you can see along any highway in America, particularly the stretch between Little Rock and Texarkana in Arkansas and Texas, no-one listened and the highways are a visual blight on the face of the Earth, disgracing the country in the eyes of any visiting traveler.

There's more intimidation from the Clinton-o-Matic on CNN as they ask How to Nudge Bernie Sanders out of the race.  The implication is Clinton has already won and he should get the hell out of the way but the premise isn't true and it's just another duplicitous outrage to suggest it.

More firmly than ever, we will not roll over.  There is only one path to peace and there isn't one breathing human who does not know how to do it.  The only question is why do you hesitate and games with words only waste time when you know already the answer.

I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be.  I'm free to be what I want.  Muhammad Ali

I'm the one to die when it's time for me to die so let me live my life the way I want to.  Jimi Hendrix

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