Thursday, June 23, 2016

As I Said About Loons in the Family

Yesterday you saw yet another example of suburban crazy with yet another of a blast identical to the one before it because we need to be reminded every few months private schools are better even when there's no change from the pitch the last time.

The reason for it is mystifying as bullying doesn't gain anything except running me down while running himself down at the same time.  There isn't anything which has been left out of my life as a target for trashing and the only intention from the comments is to ensure I'm aware I'm such a disgrace I should not even be breathing.  When that shit starts from him, I dread even looking at the blog, in part because I wonder what's so miserable in his life that it drives the behavior.

That misery looks like an extension of the endemic existential misery in America in which people have no goals, no dreams, they hope only for survival.  You can see it most clearly in the election in which Trump says he will make America great but that's the only pitch he's got after the GOP has sat on its dead ass for eight years only awakening to stop the country.

Apparently Trump convinced some loons with big guns and tiny penises he is the first conservative since Eisenhower who actually wants to build anything.  Regrettably, he did not convince anyone else so it doesn't look too good for being great again.  Eisenhower did build something great but Trump just builds garish hotels.

Cadillac Man and I were laughing it up yesterday as he asked if I had heard Clinton or Trump speeches from earlier in the day but I told him I stopped paying attention to them.  He said Clinton would have pissed me off because she's taken on a sound like just Bernie Sanders and repeats his lines.  Why not when Bill Clinton has time to ghost write for speeches for her and he's the slickest Arkansas greaseball the country has ever seen.

Actually it didn't annoy me and I found it funny because it's just more she won't do and she makes it more clear with every fatuous word.  You only had Gingrich and some other fat-ass wimps like him who failed to impeach Bill Clinton and the bad news is another Clinton may end up in the White House but the good news is even Gingrich should be able to impeach this one.  She's so arrogant and flagrant about her money dealings it should be effortless to take her down.

Then we hear again yet another litany of kids need prayer in school.  Then we review, however, all of the politicians make a great show of letting us know their deep religious commitment and all of them are conniving snakes so what it is about that behavior which makes you feels others should adopt it too.  If it weren't such an obviously defective package, it might be easier to sell.

There's a good reason Americans don't get along with anyone since the population here didn't evolve rather time but rather came from people who could not get along with anyone else.  It's like solo songwriters making music when they couldn't get along with a band well enough to do it right.

The Hunger Games have not started yet but that's probably only because they haven't yet worked out a deal to get Donald Sutherland to run them.  When that gets resolved, the state will start killing kids where we can see it happen instead of sending them to the Middle East to get killed where we don't even get to watch.

It was amusing, although such a waste of prime talent, to shoot Julianne Moore at the end of Hunger Games because the leader of the Rebellion was just another tyrant and she only wanted to take over the state for herself.  We look back at the real world from the movies and ... da, da ... what do you know.

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