Thursday, June 30, 2016

Dallas Veterans Rally to Protest Privatization of Veterans Administration

Rally for Veterans and VA Employees

We want health care reform

Not Privatization

Please join us on Thursday, June 30th

12 Noon in the lot across from the Dallas VA

Hear from Veteran leadership and Labor leadership

Say NO to privatization by contacting your elected official today at,, or

Please help save the VA for our generation and future generations

Produced by Texas Vets for Health Care

Understand the vast gulf between the corporate ethos and the professed GOP morality in terms of ardent support for religion, frequent prayer photo-ops, and more supercilious leers than ever thought humanly possible.

The reason the above is true is no corporate ethos exists beyond making money and the GOP is forthright in advising of this fact:  the only mandate on a corporation is to make money and ethics are not part of the consideration.  Various GOP representatives have said this untranslated to my face and they stand by the thinking.

That's the same thinking they use when BP blows up another oil well and actually it was a refinery this week, who knows what environmental damage they will do next week but we're sure they can manage even more.  From the GOP standpoint, BP's only responsibility is to pay out as little in lawsuits as possible to reduce exposure to benefits paid to stockholders.  There is nothing else beyond that because, as above, any human ethos does not apply to corporations despite the outrageously contrived rubbish from the corporate lapdogs on the Supreme Court who ruled corporations are people; they're not even human.

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