Tuesday, June 21, 2016

BREXIT and Why the Beatles Broke Up

The British Isles have not given the world anything except David Cameron ever since joining the European Union.  Prior to that time, England was one of the most creative musical sources in the world but, after that time, there was only David Cameron and One Direction.  In other words, the EU finished England as an artistic and creative power in the world.

There was tangential damage from the European Union because America's relations with the EU resulted in a similar marginalization of music over here as well.  Prior to relations with the EU there was Country Joe and the Fish with 1-2-3-4, what are we fighting for.  Now there's the Kanye West and he never fights for anything except begging Kim Kardashian for sex.

As with Monsanto, conglomeration of otherwise good republics only results in a festering disease curdling the cream which rises to the top of all of them.  The only advantage is it keeps those who do it out of our sight.

We can see the reverse phenomenon with the Soviet Union which was previously the largest conglomeration of people on the planet who don't want a damn thing to do with each other.  While they existed, the festering on the top resulted in Stalin and they had nothing better to do with their time other than polluting the hell out of their gigantic country while trying to keep up militarily with the West.

After a while all that disintegrated and Mother Russia is stronger now than she ever was with far less hassles from places she didn't want in the first place.  She laughed when America scrambled like a hungry 'possum for Ukraine and she said, "Da, you take debt, comrade.  You know how it goes.  Just like Mississippi.  Ha ha."

Velcome, Hunter Biden, or should ve say, hey, y'all.

Today Russia has better weapons, Pussy Riot, and her economy is not particularly fazed by American confrontation.  It probably wouldn't be when Boeing is making billion dollar deals for Boeing 747 aircraft to be used as transport aircraft by a Russian corporation.  That must have been a sanctioned non-sanctioned transaction, we guess.  If not for the high-dollar exceptions, conservatives would have no game.

(Ed:  Democrats wouldn't either!)

Fair enough but I believe we have been abundantly clear Bernie Sanders is the only real Democrat remaining and he doesn't use that doubletalk to rationalize doing things violently opposed to the platform.

All in all, the only music to survive the Reaganism and Europeanism of the last thirty years has been in Russia, Germany, Africa.  It has survived in Japan as well but largely as extensions of American music and not so much in terms of anything truly new.

America did give the world hip hop in that time and that one has been a blessing / curse but it's a lot like rock that way because it's so easy to do it badly.  Bad hip hop stays in cheesy videos but good hip hop goes around the world and that's been the dominant musical form everywhere for years now.  It's so pervasive it's become annoying so now the anticipation is what next.

Russia gave us Pussy Riot as the all-time Queens of Punk and of course they spit on such an award but they're grand and still the only punkers who went to jail for it.  Germany keeps up a stream of innovative music and they've been doing it continuously in the modern context ever since krautrock.  Africa is emerging more and more with the most exotic rhythms in the world and instruments no-one ever heard before.  Some call it 'world music' but that implies we are a part of it and we are not.  In fact, we're a small dialect of the original source.  It looks more and more the rhythm of the world came out of Africa in every possible sense.

We can play with all manner of organizational and political gamesmanship but still fundamental rhythms drive us all.  Even the rhythm of waves on a beach is the sound of what brought life to land.  Somewhere in our genes we know that rhythm because sciencers love to tell us only 1% of our DNA separates us from apes but they don't say 50% of our DNA (or whatever figure it may be) is exactly the same as a slime mold.

Understand the extension because the sciencer principle is the shared DNA across species but the greater principle is how much is shared across the entire animal kingdom and how much is shared with all life.

(Ed:  this is stoner sci-fi ... in other words, bloody rubbish!)

Is it now.  Life started with single-celled organisms and evolved into us, by God's hand or whatever process, so what logic is there to say life threw out any DNA as it got more sophisticated.  Barring any statement to that effect plus the evidence humans and apes share DNA, we conclude a tremendous amount of DNA is shared and maybe even all of it.

The sci-fi play is all we need is some dilithium crystals and we could become shape-shifters because wtf, we have all the DNA.  Sure, that sounds peachy for Star Trek but maybe let's review just how much it would fookin' hurt to change every fookin' cell in your miserable, achin' corpus.

The only reason for hammering the premise of that sharing is this gives the basis for belief there are ancient memories which are stored possibly back to the dawn of life in our DNA.

(Ed:  is this ever going to go back home?)

Wait for it as that mobilization happens now.

The ancient memories exist within us to whatever extent you like and, here at the Rockhouse, we believe there is sufficient evidence to at least credit the idea memories could be carried in such a way and over incredible periods of time.  Therefore, we believe the sociobiological evolution of tribal behavior in humans is at once cultural and genetic, making it one of our deepest needs.

Tribes evolved into city-states and consequently into feudal realms much like we still see in the Middle East and probably would as well if we knew much at all about Africa.  The tribes did not evolve into states but rather cultural / sociological variables were driving the evolution and it wasn't physical anymore.  Prior to this time, the tribe had an enormous effect on breeding within or without the tribe but that was gone when our cultures grew beyond that.

The premise of confusion which comes from losing track of the tribes has been hammered multiple times but it's a general extension of the same thing with that global corporations of America, EU, Russia, China, India, etc, etc.

In making artificial divisions between people which generally have nothing to do with tribes, we have created an inevitable conflict between our deep knowledge and the reality of our lives which just as inevitably creates some measure of cognitive dissonance.  The consequence we observe is just what we see in endless indecision about the same things.

The current indecision is the existing indecision in the United Kingdom over whether to remain within the European Union.  Just as with America, they need to argue about the same thing every twenty years whether it's needed or not.

There's some consolation for England if it drops out of the EU and is lost to penury and despair.  Donald Trump will buy the whole country to turn it into a golf course.  He will even offer tours of Liverpool to see where The Beatles lived.

(Ed:  that kind of brought it back home)

Tip:  up my salary (larfs)

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