Sunday, June 5, 2016

Establishment GOP Looks at a Vote for Clinton

For GOP to consider any Clinton for anything except tarring and feathering is notable, that they consider voting for her may even be breathtaking.

The surface logic is obvious as seemingly they think the Frump outmatches the Trump.  In our view, that's only a race for last but anyone supporting a military/industrial complex already knows it will come in last, the mystery is why it doesn't seem to matter to them.

(Ed:  why should it come in last?)

It pays trillions over the years for military equipment it can't even use unless the plan is to kill the planet.

At first that makes no sense whatsoever since an Establishment GOP categorically hates the Affordable Care Act and yet Clinton says she will expand it.  That any Establishment GOP would vote for her tells me they don't believe she will do it and they don't believe she would succeed if she tried anyway.

We agree with that assessment since it's pandering fantasy to even suggest it's affordable, particularly while at the same time trying to ramp up any offensive engagement in the Middle East.  Extending health care to those who cannot afford it is just about the most cynical move which could be made regarding socialized medicine insofar as it will focus an tight-beam spotlight on the cost for the people with the least ability to pay and will thus guarantee vilification and animosity for poor people like you have never seen before.

So, we don't think they believe a word of her pitch on that and for good reason.

Likely they're all in favor of Clinton's suggested militarism since they get such a big bang out of that sort of thing anyway.  They don't much like participating but they love watching it on television.  Perhaps you recall George Bush in America's most ludicrous reality show when he said, "I'm the War President!"

In reality, he never went to any war and he was just another pipsqueak in a little room sending young men to die.  No flies on you, bitch.

So we already know they love her militarism although they should be careful with what they wish for since actual military has cautioned against her willful recklessness and, as we saw in Afghanistan, if she needs a military story, she just invents one.

Establishment GOP obviously loves her trade policies since all of them since Bill Clinton are simply extensions of Reagan's voodoo economics (e.g. sending American jobs to China is good for America).  Since Clinton has said she no longer supports the TransPacific Partnership, what we see is the Establishment GOP doesn't believe she has really changed and will flip if she's elected.

We agree with their assessment of her in that regard since Establishment GOP doesn't seem to pay much attention to the things she says and, given her record, why would anyone but rather they look at the things Bill Clinton has already done and look for any substantive difference without finding one.  Bill Clinton sold out the workers so Hillary Clinton will likely do it too.

That's simplistic thinking but there's no reason to disagree with it.

We suspect the most likely reason for Establishment GOP support for Clinton is her history with Goldman Sachs.  That showed them her price and now she's just a commodity to them so they're deciding if her corruption is a good value for their insidious purpose.  Goldman Sachs thought she was worth a bribe over well over half a million dollars and, frankly, the GOP can buy Republican candidates one hell of a lot cheaper than that.  After all, to get Sarah Palin, they only had to promise her a cover on People magazine.

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