Intellectual inferiority pops up here as often as mentions of Clinton's crooked financial dealings but we have an actual interest in the former. Your beloved and philanthropic Silas, supporter of freedom, kittens, and excellent-quality hamburgers is sometimes accused of being the smartest person in the Universe, perhaps even beyond that ... or at least as perceived by the doting followers.
(Ed: kittens?)
I have some evidence:
That's the real Charlie on the right.
There's one teeny tiny problem with attacking my intelligence as our ol' Dad left us all with this creepy trip of thinking we're not intelligent enough. He gave us a good gift of fairly formidable intelligence but at the same time crippled it with self-doubt and neurosis. Look around, ya li'l spud monkeys, he did it to all of us (larfs).
Note: the amusing thing for me in being accused of intelligence is it's the last thing I believe which, amazingly enough, is just the perception as any of the other, ahem, spud monkeys on the crew. If I were smarter, cool things would happen.
Hot tip on that: if you're trying to pull down my intelligence then there's a good chance you have a worse case of the problem than I (larfs some more). Analyze. Review. We are crazy as fucking loons, the whole family, even yer beloved Mother who sometimes sang in the kitchen. Barking mad, the bloody lot.
(Ed: except you, right?)
Um, perhaps I need to remind I'm the one who wrote the story about the carnivorous manta rays yesterday. There has never been a carnivorous manta ray ever recorded. Unlike y'all, I accept being a loon and revel in it. Firesign Theatre told us years ago: we're all bozos on this bus. Accept it. Revel in it. Start a fire for no particular reason.
(Ed: that's dangerous!)
Fuck you. It's more dangerous listening to people who worry all the time about dangerous things. Those fuckers will kill you with heart sludge which gives you a vapor lock at an early age.
(Ed: kittens?)
I have some evidence:
That's the real Charlie on the right.
There's one teeny tiny problem with attacking my intelligence as our ol' Dad left us all with this creepy trip of thinking we're not intelligent enough. He gave us a good gift of fairly formidable intelligence but at the same time crippled it with self-doubt and neurosis. Look around, ya li'l spud monkeys, he did it to all of us (larfs).
Note: the amusing thing for me in being accused of intelligence is it's the last thing I believe which, amazingly enough, is just the perception as any of the other, ahem, spud monkeys on the crew. If I were smarter, cool things would happen.
Hot tip on that: if you're trying to pull down my intelligence then there's a good chance you have a worse case of the problem than I (larfs some more). Analyze. Review. We are crazy as fucking loons, the whole family, even yer beloved Mother who sometimes sang in the kitchen. Barking mad, the bloody lot.
(Ed: except you, right?)
Um, perhaps I need to remind I'm the one who wrote the story about the carnivorous manta rays yesterday. There has never been a carnivorous manta ray ever recorded. Unlike y'all, I accept being a loon and revel in it. Firesign Theatre told us years ago: we're all bozos on this bus. Accept it. Revel in it. Start a fire for no particular reason.
(Ed: that's dangerous!)
Fuck you. It's more dangerous listening to people who worry all the time about dangerous things. Those fuckers will kill you with heart sludge which gives you a vapor lock at an early age.
To quote your favorite Britney Spears
Oops I did it again
To quote your favorite Britney Spears
Oops I did it again I will go back to my life with real problems and leave you to solving all the problems in the world.
But since you have done such a wonderful job with your life I am sure you can translate that into solving the worlds issues also
I apologize for commenting. I forgot as a Fraser you are always right no matter what. If anyone wuestions that it is always a personal attack
I will return to my real life. And do my best to stay off your blog but like watching a traffic accident it is hard not to look even when you know what you will see
Wired that tight you're just going to blow a cork. Take it easy. If anyone actually wanted prayer in school, etc it would have happened after all this time. Hammering me for it doesn't change anything; people don't want it.
My blood pressure is surely much lower than yours. I am tired of the minority view dictating what I am allowed to do.
Another prime example is how NRA dictates the lack gun control even though the majority clearly wants regulations.
So just because the majority wants an act to happen doesnt mean it will.
But in your world what the majority wants in not really important as even Supreme Court Judges aren't qualified to decide what is right or wrong
I will go back to enjoying my life and you enjoy yours. As I have real issues to solve not just internet babble.
It is late and I have an appointment with the beach in the morning. Hopefully I wont have a heart attack building sand castles with a 7 year old
Democracy doesn't work. What's the surprise in that? (shrug)
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