Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Would St James Way Be Possible

After some more study of walking the Way of Saint James, there's one number which screams and that's from the two hundred thousand pilgrims who walked it in 2014.  Presumably that means walked it from anywhere in Europe so traffic increases as one approaches Santiago de Compostela which is relatively near the ocean.

The Way is said to be hot and crowded during the Summer so Spring or Fall could be better if crowds are a problem.  For me crowds would likely be a problem and too much heat definitely would be.

More checking showed Saint James Day is on July 25th and that's when many pilgrims arrive in Santiago de Compostela.  It seems from that, starting out in August to plan on walking through September seems a strong way to do it.

The general premise is sell off everything to yield a nest egg of about three grand.  Go to the Way of Saint James.  Walk.

Cat said people do not camp along the way so a tent is not necessary but bedding is not available in hostels and a sleeping bag is required.  The kit needs to contain the sleeping bag, enough clothes to make sense, food for the day, and fluids.  Add photo and/or computer kit and it may already be getting prohibitive since there will be miscellany that broad list didn't cover plus the weight of the pack.

Note:  photo / computer mean a small point-and-shoot plus an iPad.  Minimal weight but still additions.

Call it extremely roughly at $500 for the kit which is probably low.

That discussion left the thinking it might be possible.

Further discussion showed Cat does not think she would make it but she did not say specifically why not.  Even though that's a strong point not to do it, the thinking remains it still might be possible.

Checking around for flights showed the minimum via British Airways to London is about $550.  Presumably with one piece of checked luggage, that should be final.  The nest egg is now down to two thirds but surviving.

There are two more pieces in jumping a ferry to France and then a train to Bayonne to begin.

Those costs are not trivial but not trip-killing.

Call it $200.

There two other easily-predictable costs since most overnights will be in hostels estimated up to $8 per night.  Call it $10 per night for 60 nights so $600 for places to crash.  Call it the same or higher to eat, maybe $900 for chow and $1500 total.

Breaking out the abacus we see we're down to $300 of the nest egg by the time of arrival in Santiago de Compostela.  That may not be such a problem since Social Security will have brought in a little over $1500 in those two months.

There is no plan for an end game but there must be since failing to do so can lead to pre-croaking the pre-programmed exit date as in getting eaten by a bear.  Martin Sheen's kid was killed by bad weather in the movie.

One possible is to turn around and walk back to wherever I started ... or somewhere else.

Southern Spain is furious hot in the Summer but Winter should be different so possibly I can stay somewhere cheap to ride out the Winter and then consider further any next move.

Medical considerations are real but will be considered elsewhere since the main interest is tactical practicality.  Whether I can do it is irrelevant before I'm sure it's even possible.

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