Monday, June 6, 2016

"A Change is Gonna Come" - Sam Cooke (video)

The change comes slowly when people have so little courage for it and they keep voting for people who say they will make change but, deep down, the voters know they won't change anything; really that's what they want because change is just too damn scary anyway.

We have seen a great deal of lamenting of the departure of The Champ but there's very little of it we believe for any significant sincerity since many doing the lamenting will still vote for Trump or Clinton, neither of whom will do anything substantive toward effecting change except for the bank books of the rich.

Oh, he affected me so much, they say, but the inevitable question from that is just how did he affect you, li'l snowflake, because, so far, this just looks like the same bullshit meme you ran when Prince died and his departure didn't change anything either, at least not on social networks except for making more gossip for the online hen party.

Sam Cooke is singing a song which may even go back to the Negro spirituals in which it was as much a prayer as a song ... and it still is.

Note:  we looked and it is not a Negro spiritual as Sam Cooke wrote it (WIKI:  A Change Is Gonna Come)

Now if you have a really bad case of OCD, maybe will want to discover why it's ok to call a song a Negro spiritual when it's not ok to use the word 'Negro' in any other context.  That the song even appear it might be a Negro spiritual is an immense credit to it and many regard this as the best song ever written.

What counts is when you believe it and make it happen.  One of the changes is it's not ok to say Negro anymore since black people were called a whole lot worse when I was a kid.  We won't launch into some exposition of comparisons since you already know some things changed but far too few and there is still such a long way to go.

But a Change is Gonna Come ...


Cadillac Man said...

Mohammed Ali exemplified the kind of life that showed respect for his moral and spiritual values that inspires change. He did this when he chose the way he wished to live his life. He achieved great fame and inspired change as an athlete just as Prince did as a musician. However, he inspired us so much more as a human. At a time when most had never heard of the Islam religion he changed his name. At a time when young men in the US were required to choose between war and peace he chose peace. At a time when he encountered a painful, debilitating disease he chose to not let it destroy the life it allowed. He was one of the greatest entertainers of a lifetime. However, he truly was "THE GREATEST" because he was willing to sacrifice all that fame and fortune brings. He was a man of God, peace, courage and yes, CHANGE. He showed us how one man can live a life to achieve these things. It comes with much sacrifice but great rewards. He showed us it is worth it.

Unknown said...

Muhammad Ali is the kind of person who makes you want to be a better human. Prince inspired in many ways and even some of the Ali kind but mostly he made me want to be a better musician.

Most of all with Ali is he never waved on his principles. Respect!

Anonymous said...

I second that Mr Caddy Man!!-ML