Sunday, June 5, 2016

Happy Birthday to Mystery Lady Plus a Silas Video

May this day be adorned with those little yellow finches which love the seeds from coneflowers, birds which know much better songs than pigeons, maybe some midgets driving clown cars with big rubber horns, and a little dog looking at you like you came down from Olympus to play with it and that little dog is so dayum happy about that.  Plus some pelicans because no party is complete until the pelicans arrive.

Most of all, may some of those special paints materialize from somewhere so you can do more art things without ever setting a finger on a computer.  Damn those infernal machines and their digital art in which they think an algorithm is the same thing as a nuance and IBM's WATSON is the one true God.

With this day comes the magic number and attainment of it means we no longer exist in their world and that's outstanding ... because ...

because ...

it means we can do any damn thing we want and anyone who sees it will just think, well, that one's old.  You know how they get.

Well, I don't know how we get but I'm interested to discover and I'm damn glad you made that cut!

The most recent birthday memory is when it came the night of the show at the 20th Century.  That whole evening you were being Mother Goose to help others get set to play their parts with nary a word about, hey, this is my day.  Doing the set with you on that stage was a supreme moment for me and I hope it brings a smile as you recall it.

We sure did do some crazy stuff and I'm quite sure as long as either of us keeps coming up with more crazy stuff then both of us will continue doing just that.

Not much of a birthday present but, woe is me, I don't got much.  The songs have nothing to do with birthdays but they are fun and they won't make any rainbows but hopefully they at least make some sparks.

Note:  this is the same video I uploaded yesterday but the audio bugged me so this version of it has been through a wash / rinse cycle in Final Cut so I could jiggle the audio a tad.  Now it can be pushed to a much higher volume without leaving your ears bruised and bleeding.  The sound still isn't exactly coitus immaculatus but I like to think it's a better go than the raw sound for the other and that version is still online for the moment.


Anonymous said...

If I could only tell you how much this posting means to me!! Such a different vibe here...I won't even go there, but I'm thinking of the words of an old Sam Cooke song that I used to sing--"its been a long time coming, but I know that a change is gonna come!" With this age comes a certain freedom and an understanding.

Much Love, ML

Unknown said...

Much love back at you and I definitely need to post the Sam Cooke video since you already know how much it wraps things together.

There was a letter I remember you writing to Anne and I never forgot how much that touched her.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of the song in another more immediate and personal context. Like I said, dont even want to go there--but a change needs to come, and its been a long time coming. At the age of 65, more life is behind ya that what is ahead of ya, and I realize that "someday" is NOW--it's arrived. I've put off making decisions I should have made a long time ago. This is what I meant as the certain understanding and there is a certain freedom in that understanding. The "change" is in myself-I don't have to be anything that I am not-and the way I am is just fine.

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"--Dr Seuss

I agree that it wraps things together.

There is a WIKI article about what Sam Cooke went through. Bad stuff.

I don't remember the letter.

I still remember the card with the butterflies and sweet notes that Lotho sent me--still have it!

Love, ML

Unknown said...

That's the biggest win of all when you see you don't have to please anyone, you don't have to apologize, you don't have to do anything except BE.

The offer is still wide open down here as the Fort Worth Hippie Commune, Rockhouse and Flophouse welcomes you any time you can muster up a bus ticket to come on down. Don't worry about studio space since there's the second floor almost-apartment and there hasn't been anyone up there in about a year.

This is where no-one busts you for making a noise when you stand because it's going to happen to any of us anyway. No-one really wants to make those noises but they get out anyway, don't they (larfs). Ohhh, my achin' ass!

Anonymous said...

You are so-o -o funny.
I watched a cartoon type movie called Mr. Wrinkles on my B-Day. The content really made me think too! (Yiffy tv)

Unknown said...

When I'm looking for inspiration, first I try to find Bullwinkle Moose and Rocket J Squirrel was the wiseguy but Bullwinkle knew what was happening!