Wednesday, June 29, 2016

As to Why they Did Not Build the Texas Super Collider

Prior to the advent of CERN, America was building a Texas-size super collider for physics research and it was a formidable project which, like practically everything else of significance for future development in the country, was canceled.

Yevette came back to tell me she had read of some reasoning to explain why it was canceled and it was the typical smokescreen from Washington:  they could have paid for this or the space station so it had to be eliminated.

This is the same kind of smokescreen you get from burning surplus tires.  It accomplishes nothing beyond polluting the atmosphere and making a problem worse.  Affording the collider and the space station simultaneously is chump change relative to the identical people blowing a trillion dollars in Iraq without even breaking a sweat, except for all the crocodile tears they wept for the kids they kept sending over there.  If the tears meant anything, they would not have kept doing it.

The affordability matters are just another lie from Washington which has no other product anymore.  The NASA and the collider budgets are trivial relative to the real expenditures but they serve as great crowdpleasers when Washington wants to grandstand for patently false effect.

The same technique is used elsewhere and the premise is the nitwit memes are made by bored sharpies but they look much more like deliberately non-professional products from dirty tricks crews working for the political parties.  For example, one of their favorites is you can pay for Social Security or you can pay for immigrants but not both.  You can pay for health care for the poor but not veterans and endlessly they present these specious either / or decisions which have almost nothing to do with the budget but have great effect on populist emotionalism.

In short, you are being played.

Deal with it.

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