Thursday, June 23, 2016

Trump is More Dangerous Than Someone Who Drone Bombs the World for Eight Years

One of the most masterful aspects of the Bill Clinton candidacy (i.e. all he needed was a stiff and some teleprompters) was painting Donald Trump as the Anti-Christ who will destroy us all.  This comes from the same crew which was been committing anonymous assassinations around the world for the last eight years and called it working for peace with Islam.  That's not dangerous but Donald Trump who has never committed anything other than gross violations of taste and style is a major threat.

There's no support for Donald Trump because he's just as racist as the Democrats and will likely to become just as much of an amateur killer as anyone else who ever sat in the White House except Carter or Eisenhower.  His ideas are simple and stupid but, as we have seen with Brexit, simple and stupid ideas will motivate a herd faster than a Blue Light special at K-Mart.

Note:  'racist' is defined as those who do nothing about cops killing civilians at will and, as we saw today, no-one killed Freddie Gray.  Blackness or something killed him but it sure wasn't the cops and their guns.  So long as that type of outrage continues do prepare to be called racists on a regular basis.

The greater danger is the complacency on Facebook which generally takes the theme of why can't we all get along and the most obvious answer is because America has an enormous population of vicarious murderers and we want nothing to do with their disgrace.

(Ed:  how dare you denigrate Hillary Clinton by implying she is only a surrogate for Bill Clinton?)

Um, tell me, li'l snowflake, what gives you the idea she is anything else.  She's the worst case of the General's wife wearing the officer's rank the world has ever seen.

Clinton earned the title of Slick Willy and his slickness still works.  The political process has been remarkable to watch since it had almost nothing to do with the Will of the People so much as the corrupt machinations of both parties in the background.

The general premise elsewhere is there are two bad candidates so you have to pick one of them as if to say the lesser of two evils is ok.  That kind of thinking is the fast path to the toilet with a sick stomach.

The only interest just now is for that of the Las Vegas bettor in figuring when the first indictment of the Clinton administration will come and who will it be.

The women's lib movement, neo in nature, thought it would be a clever move to put any old woman in the White House and sure as hell they did just put any old woman in there.  The cleverness is the choice of this old woman almost guarantees it will be a hundred years before another woman ever gets elected.

"On one thing men and women can agree:  neither trust women" - Mark Twain

The generic excuse for the Clinton administration will be the same as the Obama administration:  well, we had to make some compromises to keep the government running.  That one means you don't have to keep any campaign promises and take a look at the Middle East and Afghanistan for the proof of that.  Obama not only didn't withdraw, he made it much worse and extended the scope to other countries.

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