Friday, October 9, 2015

Freaks, Frank the Buster, and the Rainbow Bridge

Some were bent when I said stoners don't like you and that cracks me up to falling out of my chair.

Shall we review ...

- you send Frank the Buster to hassle us

- you put us in jail

- you take our money

- you call us names

and then you wonder why we don't want to hang around with you.  If there is any time in your life when the above has helped you make friends then please tell us the story as we would love to hear it


but over the telephone until we're sure you're cool.

Perhaps we're wrong but we consider that sort of thing needlessly aggressive behavior.

Because ...

because ...

Some of you forgot about it but this never stopped.   A lot of people got stomped, a lot got twisted with mind-poisoning things like narcotics or leisure suits, but the freaks in the middle of it never changed.  If the Earth didn't grow it, we don't want it.  (LSD arguably grows from the Earth because it comes from bread mold)

The bridge is still there, it's been there the whole time.  You probably still remember how to cross it but maybe it doesn't seem right to do it just now.  In time it's always right, the only question is picking the right time.  It's not about dying but awakening.

Music opens every world like nothing else humans are capable of doing.  If the song is good enough, the whole world will sing it.  The Golden Muse promises if it's good enough the whole world will never stop singing it.  The music will be so beautiful and hypnotic it transports across the bridge and no-one needs to come back.  That is what she promises.  We keep searching to find if it's true.  Everyone believes it must be or we would not keep searching for it.  Until we die or something else prevents it, musicians never stop.

Every piece of music ever transmitted over the air is beaming out into the Universe at light speed.  If you are looking at the frequency of music, Earth will glow like a star in the sky.  It will twinkle just like a star because the music is constantly changing.

The sight of that musical Earth is only a matter of physics and frequencies while the sight of the Rainbow Bridge is metaphysics which some came to question but which nevertheless remains unchanged.

You're welcome to join us here.  Here there is only love, peace, and music but we cannot go back across the bridge.  Having seen this, heard it, and felt it, denying it makes no sense.  Having crossed the bridge, there is no other side anymore.

And you can ask Queen Guinevere
when she comes on her snow-white horse
Who did shoot brave Robin Hood

You can ask and you can ask but Robin Hood is laughing.

If all this crazy, please do tell me where I go when I play.  When I listen to it on playback, maybe it's like a football player looking at game tapes and trying to improve his play by looking at mistakes.  That's not the same as playing because then I don't know what I'm going to do until I do it.  For me, this is like racing when you're in the apex of a corner and on the edge of adhesion waiting to give it all out acceleration.  You dance with the accelerator.  Maybe it's even the same thing because smoking reefer or taking LSD are not the only ways to get there.

It's one of the only times in life in which you can't think about anything else.  If you try, it's ruined.  You need absolute focus for perfection as nothing else can even approach it.  Perfection is cosmically impossible but the closer you approach, the brighter it gets.

The closer you get to the light, the more mystical it all becomes ... but it's real because you can hear it.

It's real because you can see it ... gentle pastures with butterflies fluttering above them, birds with brilliant plumage sing from nearby trees a song you have never heard, and through it all the delicious scent of unfamiliar flowers which leap with gay abandon everywhere you look.

That isn't what I see when I'm playing but I don't really even know what I see.  I'm feeling it a lot as her body vibrates when I touch her.  When I strum a chord, it will go through her whole body and I'll feel it, anyone would.  She's a seductive one, this Galaxy Guitar.

The strings may be biting my fingers but that makes it even better ...

(Ed:  this sounds like masochistic porno)

It is but this is all about anticipation.  When you bend a string all the way out, it hangs in space, its Fate in the hands of the Gods of Music ... please don't let it break, please don't let it break.  In part that's why a string screams so hard when you bend it; the string knows it may die and it gives everything it possibly can before it does.  It also may hurt your finger to do it so how long will you hold it out here and risk the break.  None of this is conscious but still you know.

It's not a question of which world is real but rather how long you can stay in the other one.  Whether one is more real than the other is your call but I know what I've decided.  Hopefully you will be there on the next trip back.

You step through a mirror
and find yourself in sky
without ever really knowing
just how or why
there isn't any lemonade
and do you need it anyway
so just lean back, enjoy the flight
it waits here every day

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