Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Will Not Play for Republicans or Fake Democrats (i.e. Clinton Republicans)

The question came up last night and I won't do it.  I have my standards and Republicans don't meet them.

(Ed:  you turned down a pay gig?)

Yes.  It's the same thing as Django Man in "Swing Kids" when he wouldn't play 'good German' music.  He died for it and he was way braver and more talented than I will ever be.  In support for him, I will not do it.

(Ed:  you need the money)

I need pride more.

In Germany the Green Party is relatively strong but it has the same problem as America's Green Party which is relatively disorganized.  In large part that's because they're overwhelmed by corrupt electoral dollars and that aspect is obvious in U.S. but not so obvious in Germany.  The alternative for Germans is the Social Democratic Party and this one has many similarities to the platform presented by Bernie Sanders.

There is also the Christian Democratic Union which is often partnered with the Christian Social Union.  They realized a long time ago Republicans serve no purpose and the last eight years in Congress proved it.  The only purpose in presenting Republican candidates for the 2016 election is to demonstrate they do have the capability to make things even worse.

That 'Christian' is in the titles for the conservative parties is yet another flagrant violation of Goldwater's warning to conservative parties in the sixties (i.e. keep the religions out of politics).  Goldwater was adamantly Republican but he was one of the rare ones as his perceptivity was keen.  But the party ignored Eisenhower and it continued by ignoring Goldwater.  Their next effort was Nixon the Quaker who made, through Vietnam, one of the biggest fiascos of the 20th Century and that fiasco has continued to date, only moving sometimes.

It amuses me if Republicans want to hear my music, they can hear it the same way they have made me smoke reefer all these years, by sneaking around in the background.  Enjoy the shadows, kids, you meet a better class of people there anyway.

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