Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Return of the Bank Dick, By the Thousands

After Reagan destroyed Miranda Rights and protection against illegal search and seizure, cops who had at one time served the purpose of maintaining public order became breakdown artists whose only purpose is to find a way to break you down and get inside your car.  Once they are inside, they are sure to find something they can use to arrest you and / or take from you.

That outrage continues multiple times daily and yesterday a black man was stopped and ticketed specifically because the man 'held eye contact' with the cop.  The cop said this was a specific reason he pulled the man to the side.  Law no longer has anything to do with it.  Stop him.  Break him down.  If he moves, shoot him.

America has, in large part, abandoned cash transactions and even the most trivial types of transactions for even small amounts of cash are performed using a debit or a credit card.  In parallel with this has developed a concept known as 'civil forfeiture' in which the mere possession of cash is evidence of law breaking or the intention to break the law, either of which is, in present time, legal justification for the police to take the money and keep it.

The banks get they want as their rent-a-bank dick cops make people afraid to carry legally-acquired money and they're only safe with bank cards which are controlled by even worse cops (i.e. Congress).

Number of Americans killed by cops this year so far:  779 (including a significant number of cold-blooded murders)

Who started all this:  Reagan

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