Sunday, September 6, 2015

The War Against Cops Is Deliberately Manipulated Media Hogwash

Shooting deaths of cops compared across the last four two-term administrations:

If there was ever a war on cops, it was at least thirty years ago and it's been steadily lost ever since.  (Democratic Underground:   Police Fatalities Much Lower Than Under Reagan, Yet Walker Blames Obama)

Note:  the numbers are suspiciously high because it's known this year about thirty cops have died due to shootings by bad guys.  All the others died due to heart attacks, car crashes, etc, etc.  Based on the known numbers for this year for Obama, there should be about 240 cop killings throughout the administration but the actual figure is somewhat higher.  In fact, that gives it a wee bit more credibility.

In contrast, the number of civilians killed by cops this year is approaching 800, for this year alone.  When there are thirty dead cops down next to eight hundred dead civilians, you don't have a war, you have genocide.  (The Guardian:  The Counted)

Note:  the only news medium on the planet with enough responsibility to keep count isn't even in America.

And then you have this idiot kid as they have programmed his blank Texas mind perfectly.  (CNN:  Teen provides 'backup' for Texas deputy pumping gas)

One more mind turned to putty by phony media propaganda.  There is a cop war, true enough, but it's not against them, it's against us.


Anonymous said...

While you are throwing blame around.
Research which party passed the legislation allowing old military equipment to the civilian police departments . Allowing the militarization of small town police departments.
Again there is plenty of blame to go around.
Still waiting on a real example of an honest politician. I surely cant find one

Unknown said...

There's plenty of blame to throw around. We've seen bad cop work and we've seen really bad cop work and I haven't seen militarization like this since MLK was shot. Now they do it every day.

I can't possibly be the only one who remembers. Cops were assholes at times but they didn't come close to what happens now and I'm not forgetting the Days of Rage and the head-cracking in Chicago or after the Reds won the Series the second time. There was definitely head-cracking happening but now it's so commonplace.