Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Silas Scarborough Reality Show

What the regulars have been seeing here has been, in effect, The Silas Scarborough Reality Show which has had all manner of ups and downs, wandered around through multiple countries, never even approached financial stability anywhere but has somehow, often due to great generosity from others, kept moving with no fatalities and not even any significant casualties.

Well, except for this ...

This is the right side of the light rack which stands maybe 2.5 meters and it's about 1.5 meters from the wall.  At least it is 1.5 meters from the wall now, it was not on the Morning of the Great Disaster as this end of it fell all the way back to the wall and the fall of the other was cleverly stopped by my body.  Some days start out better than others at the Rockhouse.

Testing yesterday revealed no damage to the kit.  My body ... well, it was already damaged so zero net loss.  The East and West Purples seem to have gone to Laser Heaven but perhaps they will run into the South California Purples and find some more energy.

(Ed:  South California Purples?)

You seriously don't know this one??  Go to Chicago and sit there until it comes to you.

More on the Silas Scarborough Reality Show later as there's no segue forward from so much coolness as in CTA.  You just kick back and dig it.

Update:  I remember buying this album and people asked me who the hell are these guys.  I didn't know.  I just thought they sounded cool and they would make it.  Heya, what do you know.

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