Monday, September 7, 2015

My Inner Child Finally Remembers

I flew through some Moon Rays again.  Everything is vibrating with greater intensity than normal, much greater.

If without passion, why even show up.  

Moon Rays make you say weird shit like that.

Not everyone notices the Moon Rays but I do.  I always have.  It's one of the special powers they gave me when they took me away.  I escaped but now I realize they knew I would. 

You would understand if you have seen "Telefon" only this is with space aliens, large red ones with one eye and tentacles around it which have disgusting things at the end for manipulating things like your gonads and other parts.

Wise guys may think, fuck it.  They're from Tralfamador, tell them to piss off.

But they're not from Tralfamador.  They're much like humans ... except for being huge, red, and having a single eye with tentacles around it.  Other than that, they are just like us and they come here for the same reasons humans like to travel, we want to find new and interesting places to have sex.

This is what my inner child has revealed to me, the thing I saw when I was so young and which was so fundamentally terrifying and traumatizing.  I saw them have sex.

All four of them (it takes four of them to complete the sex act) will take positions about fifty meters from the others and then they run full gallop at each other before jumping into the air and crashing into each other.

(Ed:  why don't they die?)

It's more like why don't they fucking explode.  It's horrifying.  What comes after that you don't even want to know as they start using all those tentacles on parts which usually can't be seen but the tentacles make them come out, all of them.  They have as many sexual parts as they do tentacles and it's the most terrifying thing you will ever see.

And now they're coming back, even more of them.  They like it here, particularly in Nebraska.

My inner child is remembering it all now, the entire panoramic horror of it.  They want me to play for them and that might not seem so bad but they sing, they sing like Vogons read poetry.  I am so screwed because they're coming back.


The Moon Rays have revealed this to me.

Yevette, when you are going to stop believing the bullshit you hear on the Internet!

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