Friday, September 11, 2015

The Day Cheney and Bush Disgraced Returns Again ... Without Them

The viciousness of Dick Cheney's response, that of his batboy, George Bush, and the general response from America ever since 9/11 has so savagely disgraced the people who really were victims of the 9/11 attack by creating hundreds of thousands of more victims, many of whom were killed for no more than extremist whims from within the darkest, most illegal, and most heinously immoral side of the American government, the CIA.  That organization has been assassinating / murdering people without process or justification since the early 60's.  The CIA got much better in producing big body counts but it improved not at all in improving any kind of morality, its own disappeared altogether.

James Clapper is the Director of National Security and has been involved in more scandals than Justin Bieber and the scandals from both have been stupid but at least Bieber's typically only involved throwing eggs whereas James Clapper's only product is death.

And, thus, in large part from James Clapper's efforts and those of General Alexander previously, the Mediterranean Sea is now known in Europe as the Ocean of Death.  It would be more accurate to call it America's Ocean of Death as those people weren't floating in it before America started helping, avenging, killing anyone it saw moving in the Middle East and north Africa ... because of the righteousness of white people with guns.  Viva that cowardly murdering bastard in that American Sniper.  Naturally, Americans make him a hero and that explains why they have never done anything about that swine, James Clapper, whose closest analog in history is Heinrich Himmler.  They even look remarkably similar as well.

Clapper found himself another Pentagon bitch in Brigadier General Steven Grove, head intelligence in the US Central Command, and the bitch gets a call from Clapper every day for instructions.  They say they're in-love but we know how it goes with Clapper, that's what he tells all the generals and they fall for it every time.  (The Guardian:  US spy chief's 'highly unusual' reported contact with military official raises concerns)

The corruption of the American government by right-wing extremism is pervasive, persistent, and unaffected by national elections.  They have nothing to do with America but serve only the profit-taking which comes from gratuitous invasions of foreign states.  This is the Fifth Column of America and it is much greater threat than foreign invasion will ever be.  These enemies are already here and they have already occupied the government.

A corrupt America may be your destiny and hope but it was never mine and nothing was ever done, they disgrace it to this day.  It's easy to find the ones who did it as the majority of them are wearing American flag lapel pins to proclaim their almost immeasurable arrogance and belief in Manifest Destiny, that America has the Divine Right to do whatever the hell it wants, any time it wants, without reason, logic, or compassion.  That's what they did with 9/11.

I remember the people who jumped because it was the only alternative they could see to burning to death.  The GOP only remembers the profit potential in the wars they could start and start them they did, not one but many.  The money has been rolling in for them ever since and people everywhere keep dying from it.

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