Friday, September 11, 2015

On the Disloyalty of Democrats and Why Even Ragtag Republicans Can Crush Them

That anyone listens to a word Marco Rubio says isn't evidence of his phenomenal analytical skills but rather it's attributable to the blazing incompetence and fragmentation of the Democratic Party.

The Iran deal and trying to achieve a treaty of nuclear sensibility was on the verge of being destroyed, predictably by the GOP, but with much great disloyalty by Democrats.  In the case, of the GOP it's predictable as there has been been a peace deal yet they couldn't wreck but the fundamental principle of the Democratic Party is defense of the country rather than military adventurism so opposition to the Iran deal by Democrats wasn't only disloyal to Obama but was disloyal to the most important principles of the entire Democratic Platform.

Chuck Schumer was one named as most likely to be in opposition, a DINO (i.e. Democrat In Name Only).  (CNN:  How the White House kept Democrats from killing the Iran deal)

The DINOs are a large part of the party and this explains why Hillary Clinton had any thought she could be successful and it's the same reason Biden thinks he has a chance.  Neither of them extol the principles of the Democratic Party but are the New School Democrat Opportunists who swing whichever way the wind blows.  It's gay marriage one day and bombing the fuck out of some other country the next.

The biggest threat to the Democratic Party isn't from the GOP as the candidates they run are obviously second-string incompetents.  The real threat to the Democratic Party comes from the DINO opportunists within it who will vote for boobs ... if they think that gets them something ... or Biden ... if they think that gets them something else.  Meanwhile, the only real Democrat has to run as an Independent and the hell of it he's doing better than either of the DINO stooges in Clinton and Biden.

Perhaps the real Democrats are starting to emerge after an extraordinarily long somnolence.  We hope so.  America needs you all and this Rip van Winkle stuff has got to stop, as in right now.

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