Thursday, September 10, 2015

Vandengroef and Silas in Refractive Groovulosity at Cat's Art MusikCircus

Vandengroef flew back to Cat's Art MusikCircus and that was after two months down with a whacked wing.  It's not bad enough the Van is hurt but the guitar is sitting in the rack just begging for a little love.  Only Van can hear her but Van hears her loud and clear.  For two months nothing can be done ... until tonight.

Vandengroef gets right away into refractive groovulosity and at first that was just a whimsical expression for music to cool to describe but it might even have actual meaning.  Groovulosity isn't really a word anyway so we can make it mean anything we want and what we want is 'the mellifluosity of the groove.'  Refraction only means waves like sound or light bounce when they go through something and they move in a different direction as a result.

Therefore refractive groovulosity is when Van finds the groove and it enters the prestidigitational process within Van's mind of many paths and mirrors.  The new groovulosity is then refracted in multiple different directions by those many paths and mirrors and thus it travels n-dimensions of the physical and metaphysical realms to reach us.

See, you thought it didn't mean anything.

There were a few bumps and it's pointless to say cables are evil.  There are three primary purposes to all music cables:

- Trip you
- Electrocute you
- Cause ground loops to ruin your hippie sound

Any purpose other than those three that a cable may serve is purely secondary.

So it was exceptionally cool see / hear Van back on the Circus stage, wing all fixed, and playing that refractive groovulosity.

Silas Scarborough went up for the next round.  Difficult to do so not so frequent.

"Beware of the Backwash from your Spiritual Turbine" was up first as I was charged for that one because I wanted to do it specifically for Cat since I first tried it out.  This isn't what I usually do in trying to get all beat with it.  That would surprise her so, oh yeah, must try this.  There is a guitar part following the vocal that just seemed like it wanted to stick on there at the time.  That may not have been such a good idea but it's all an experiment.

"Swing Heil" is a huge deal to me and there are separate articles for this and the Spiritual Turbine so the main thing is this one wrapped it up.  There was "Ride the Dragon" in the middle but the audio wasn't satisfactory.  No need for details but it wasn't a complex thing and it's resolved now.

These songs are delivering lyrics in a way I haven't tried before.  It's not singing as it's more about the beat and it's damn sure not rap which has nothing but a beat.  It's kind of a scat which isn't talking in tongues.

That lasted about thirty minutes and it was time to bag it after that.  The best way to increase the length of sets is to play them.  There's one immediate benefit right off the top, it's nowhere near the computer chair.

It was very good to play for Cat and also for Mario Zecca who, in Australian, is one good bloke.  That's high praise over there.  I believe he plays again next Thursday.

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