Sunday, September 6, 2015

Simon Cowell Tells How to Kill Music Altogether

Simon Cowell has already destroyed what was left of rock and roll but his endless fascination with middle class rubbish has marginalized the perception of much more than a single genre.  He has single-handedly reduced all of them to glam photo ops with no more substance than a page from Kim Kardashian's autobiography.

CNN has a headline today about another song which makes Simon Cowell 'tear up' and we're thankful there will soon be a list of them published ... so no-one ever has to hear any of them ever again.

Cowell's obsession with convention and tradition are quite possibly the single most repressive influence in this sphere of music.

The same is generally true for most of the TV music shows in that all have a singular penchant for finding mediocre material and using high-talent kids to sing unbelievably grandiose productions of it. The song is still a piece of shit but now it's got a Hollywood production around it.

This type of merchandising is rampaging through music as there's one no-talent buffoon after the other singing utterly banal lyrics to egregiously predictable music.  The only question they ask after the VMAs is what did Miley Cyrus wear.  It's like if The Beatles had never graduated past moptops and she loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah.  These kids never grow up and the music never gets better.

On the whole, they aren't just destroying music, they're tying it to a stake and burning it.

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