Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Silas Scarborough Reality Show Episode 3 - Virtual Cliff Diving

Online you try one whackjob shot after the other ... because you can.  Usually they blow because they were stupid ideas in the first place but sometimes they don't.

The Reverend Silas Theology Sasquatch isn't a scam and he's not stupid but he ain't rich and that last one is a killer.  We need some serious jingle to fix this problem and thumping deep theology is not going to do it.  He will continue to do it because he likes it but we all know now he is a shiftless Commie leech who doesn't earn his keep.

So, the latest whackjob idea.  The Searching for Ithaka Non-Subscription Subscription.

(Ed:  you're just going for instant stupidity recognition to save time?)

Ach nein, mein Freund.

The premise is there's ten bucks worth of twaddle in all the stuff I've written here and will continue to write so long as the demons force me to keep breathing.

Therefore, there is a one-time subscription of ten dollars for the glorious and highly dubious distinction of being a member of the Searching for Ithaka irregulars and the Silas Scarborough Galactic Peace Tour and Resistance Movement ... but we won't charge you anything.

Note:  that sounds like a cool t-shirt

(Ed:  how is that a subscription?)

It is a subscription.  You just don't have to pay it.  That's what makes it a non-subscription subscription.

(Ed:  so you're not going for stupid, you're going for full-out lunatic)

This is how it must be for a socialist subscription.  The subscription has to exist as otherwise it can only work if someone randomly conceives the idea ... well, I think I shall give ten dollars to Silas Scarborough.  This has never happened in my life.  I admit it could ... but it hasn't happened yet.  Therefore the subscription must exist or no-one has any reason to contribute anything ... but ... it must be a non-subscription as otherwise people who have no money could not pay and could not read it.


The non-subscription subscription.

Um, it's due, by the way.

(Ed:  refresh me, please.  For what?)

Consider the panorama of your life.  Do you see other people doing the weird shit I do?  Yes, of course you do but for some reason this weird shit is interesting to you.  I don't know why either but I get a bang out of doing it because it goes both ways.  We learn about each other.

(Ed:  so you should pay us)

Frankly, I'm feeling appreciation but not to the point of writing a check if you're hearin' what I'm sayin'.

Note:  it's not that funny as there are two molars sitting on the desk.  Unknown what became of the others as these are recent.  What's unusual is it doesn't hurt.  What runs deeper is feeling like an elephant who has worn down his tusks.

(time passes)

That's when you get up and play ... or you damn sure better.  I really screwed up that time, tho.  It wasn't recorded and it went off on a thing about too much talk of God and politics, all anyone wants to know is why did Bieber cry and then the wah wah cries like a little girl but it was blasting.  The whole bit was completely radically insane and the only definite thing about it was a little strum on Em at the bottom of it.

This isn't a fish that got away.  This was a fuck-up.  The playing was that good as sometimes you click and sometimes you don't.

There was one boggle which could make it ok.  There was distortion because the guitar was going through the primary looper ... but ... it wasn't using it.  Moving the guitar back direct to the mixer could eliminate that distortion and then some type of approximation of what happened is possible and with better sound.  The guitar uses a different looper for this.

It will come back as the point becomes bigger as I think of it.  Refugees, bombings, shootings, and they ask why did Justin Bieber cry at the VMAs.  The song is anger over the self-absorption but understanding of how things got that way which reveals more anger because things got that way.  It should be angry as it's a righteous anger.  This needs some whoop-ass.

Need some recovery time and will try it again.   Maybe take it to the Circus and do it over a live pipe.

Sasquatch and Satan have to wait as we're talkin' about some jams here.

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