Saturday, September 5, 2015

Option Y Plays Shivers Productions End-of-Summer Blow-Out

Option Y (Option Upsilon in Euro / Option Why in Yank)

Playing tomorrow 3pm SLT - afternoon (US) / Evening (Euro)

This prog-rockish, fusionish, trippish, non-genre-specific dementedness is exceptionally fascinatish to the ears.  Option Y is ever horrorshow, my brothers, but rapacious they are not while salacious they may sometimes be.

Monique runs her end-of-summer jam at Shivers Productions but, when you get electric bands into the game, that's not a jam but a good ol' down home rock fight, finest kind.  All kinds of performers as it runs all week-end.  Monique doesn't screw around when it comes to parties.

But, when we come to this world, we call her Mania ... and she wears it well.

And this is how it went:

Option Y on-stage at Shivers.  The stylish lady at the back is Cat.  The furball with the hat is Silas.

The review of the show is simple as Option Y is as good as any prog rock band you will hear on any virtual or physically-real stage.  Their music is dynamic and inventive, aggressive yet subtle, and comprised of such novel ingredients that a Bombay chef would weep knowing he could never match such gourmet complexity in anything he ever prepares.

Note:  dat Silas, you know, he likes to play but he likes being a fan as well.  He loves music so he should only listen to himself?  What sense is there in that, he says.

(Ed:  as much sense as wearing a Steve Ray furball suit in the Summer time?)

Good point.

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