Saturday, September 5, 2015

The Reverend Sasquatch Ten-Dollar Flat-Rate Soul Saving Paradigm

The good Reverend has to keep this quick as he's a busy man.

So, you've got God over here, right.  He does something and there's the Big Bang.  Whammo, the whole fucking Universe happens.  Extremely impressive.

Now, go out to look at the stars.  Keep looking at them until you get it that some Really Big Thing did this.  If you don't believe the stars are really there then continue until the acid wears off.

Next step, pick a name for the Really Big Thing.  Many like to go with God.  Works for us here at the Ministry of the Internet.

One more step and that is to wait thirteen billion years.  Now Jesus comes along.

(Ed:  we don't believe it)

We don't care if you believe it.  Furthermore, it's highly unlikely the Really Big Thing (i.e. God) cares if you believe it either.

The only significant news in this is these events did not happen at the same time.  Sometimes people say they have lost their faith in God.  Well, unless the stars go out, how should that happen.  To lose your faith that God did this you'll need to find a better answer and, honey, I have looked a long time and I don't see one.

(Ed:  what about Stephen Hawking?  Greatest astrophysicist in the world says God is a fairy tale?)

Let's review the facts, my chill'uns.  Steven Hawking is a genius, to be sure, and he suggested the possibility of God in "A Brief History of Time" but now he has more knowledge and he says God is a fairy tale.  However, taking the statement at face value is not sufficient because we need to review what else Hawking has been doing in that time.

One, at least, of those intervening activities was hanging out with Pink Floyd to record with them on their latest album (true).  Think this through, li'l snowflakes.  After you have been hanging around with Pink Floyd for a while and eating LSD for breakfast, does it really surprise you he thinks God is a fairy tale.  The only surprise is he does not consider everything a fairy tale.  When Hawking announces next black holes are really gigantic cosmic alligators, you'll know what happened.  Yah, he's gigging with the Floyd again.

So, there's yer ten dollars worth of soul saving.  If you don't see the logic for God in that then we think you'll prob'ly stay a worthless wretched sinner who cries every time you hear "Amazing Grace."  We know you don't want that as it's such an awful song so re-read the good Reverend's message until you either see God or find a better answer.

Note:  Go with Richard Dawkins if you like but be sure to bring money.  Bashing God is expensive.

(Ed:  what about my faith in Jesus?)

That's your business, cowboy.  The good Reverend has shown you God was there.  If you believe he later sent Jesus, there's no right or wrong to it.  That's your faith but the most important aspect to understand it's secondary to the fundamental belief there had to be a God or there would be no discussion of it.

If you see God and, frankly, we don't see how you could miss him, and you are a Christian, then Jesus isn't a faith but an inevitability.  Nevertheless, this is not the business of the Ministry of the Internet.  It's the perception of God which has got all confused and a good perspective for that will bring peace to a whole lot of other things.

So, if you're buyin' the good Reverend's line of doodley squat, please do drop a Hamilton (i.e. $10) in the DONATE box but, please and this is very important, it must not be more than that even if you see heavenly rays of godliness.  The good Reverend will go up in a ball of flames and a big puff of smoke were anyone to send more than that.  Thank you.

Sorry but I can't promise any money will go to starving children and I wish I could but my own situation is deeply-screwed and I've got to fix that before there's much chance of doing anything significant for anyone else.  There's no need to repeat the other article in this one.

(Ed:  honesty in preaching?  Now I know you're lying.)

Show me a lie, cabron (larfs).

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