Friday, September 11, 2015

Clear Proof of Police Abuse by Kevin McAllister in NYC, Recorded at Every Stage (video)

Gestapo in New York City, Kevin McAllister

This man was arrested for drinking a soda.  He committed no crime whatsoever and NYC is going to pay some serious dollars for this gross violation of police authority.  The city paid out over six million to the family of a man they murdered about a year ago.

Some of you may have taken issue with my statement Americans are trained and not educated and this is a clear example of it.  Kevin the SS Cop is not educated in much of anything and he isn't even trained very well.  The gentleman whose rights are being violated knows his rights as he has studied the matter.  You may judge his language but he is right at every turn.  There is no can of Sam Adams in the bag and the cop had no right to accuse him of it.

(Ed:  wasn't the man with the video baiting the cop by keeping the soda in a bag?)

True enough but that only works when a cop is so stupid and poorly-trained as to fall for it.  In this case, the one bad cop brought in four others and not one of them had any clue of the gross abuse in what they do.

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