Sunday, September 6, 2015

Green Party Needs to Support or Get Out of the Way

Bernie Sanders is building major momentum and it's not based on grease dollars from corporations but rather it's from We, the People.

Life is always compromise and Bernie Sanders represents the best exemplification of the Democratic Party we have seen in years.  He is not everything the Green Party wants but the Green Party isn't going to get anything it wants, not in this cycle.  There is a way, however.

Were the Green Party to join forces with Sanders, he would be unbeatable.  The passion of the support for Sanders in combination with the passion of the commitment to liberal ideals would make the most formidable synergy in the contest as it's the passion of pure truth and that can't be defeated except over a short term.

Possibly it's premature but, here at the Rockhouse, we're thinking the Green Party needs to stand down and get behind Sanders.  He has the organization and he has the stage.  Put him in the White House and we can continue the greenification of the planet from there.  Once people start seeing the results, they won't turn back.  However, they won't see any results without a victory now as neither of the prevailing parties has any vision for the future beyond inconsequential border squabbling and provincial views of morality.

The determination of the media to avoid Sanders shows the importance of his message and the Establishment's fear of its power.  That fear is justified in terms of breaking the corruption but it makes no sense whatsoever regarding any threat to doing good business around the world.

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