Sunday, September 6, 2015

Why President Bernie Sanders is Vital


There are headlines around the world about refugees but there is almost nothing about why refugees have left their homes.  We know intuitively the reasons are war and/or economics but there is no focus on solving the problems.  Instead we focus on where to put all the casualties.  It's admirable that we do and not so admirable where we don't.  As was noted earlier, Greece has not done too well and acts of brutality toward refugees have been recorded.  Nevertheless, this is not the source of the problem.  The problem is why do they leave in the first place.

The reason we need President Bernie Sanders is we know before he starts he will stand down on these foreign conflicts.  The sell over ten years ago was this would stabilize the region.  Guess what, it's not stabilized.  Sanders brings the troops and materiel home and immediately conflicts reduce due to the number which are specifically toward getting American troops out.

The other component of refugee migration is economic and this aspect is more vague in terms of what resolution can come.  However, whatever goes toward reducing the corruption in the existing system in America (i.e. banking, insurance, corporate / political bribery, etc) inevitably has global consequence due to the vast reach of all of them.

What's being generically passed off as 'the refugee problem' is inciting all manner of right-wing extremism in multiple countries as minority-bashing is the number one favorite topic for second-rate dictators.  Find something you can easily get people to hate and, presto, you've got a winning team.  PEGIDA is doing this in Germany but there are many incarnations (e.g. UKIP in England).  It's all the same overtly racist dialog of previous years but they are much more clever in dressing it with political correctness to get away with it.  This has permitted a virtual rampage of brown shirts as the Internet has it flowing globally.

Fundamental to all of this is America owning up to the honesty of accepting its role in causing the flow of refugees.  Bernie Sanders has that strength but I see no sign of it anywhere else as all the others are either grandstanding or quibbling over trivia.


We strongly believe Bernie Sanders is man enough to go face to face with Putin because he's way past dick-measuring and so is Putin.  World leaders exist at all times but the frustration in history is they don't always arrive at the same time.  A great deal of history has been simply a matter of opportunity.  Bernie Sanders is the only person in whom we can reliably predict a rational and reasonable meeting with Vladimir Putin on level ground which is not unbalanced by ghosts of Stalin, Hitler, or the Twelve Demons of Kathmandu.

(Ed:  Twelve Demons of Kathmandu?)

No idea.  It just sounded cool.

Forecasting the behavior of other Presidential candidates with Putin is pointless as all of them are predictable in terms of the standard book posturing.  America needs more than people who lead from a cookbook and the world needs America to get that way very damn soon.

Perhaps you consider my vocabulary vulgar but, here at the Rockhouse, we believe putting a mask of gentility on the face of an egregiously brutal world is an obscene fraud.

I'm quite capable of being charming and I will be when I see us doing something to reduce that brutality.  I have no doubt Bernie Sanders is the man to do it.

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