Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Silas Scarborough Reality Show Episode 2

Keeping these on-topic may be something of a challenge because, well, there is no topic.

There is one persistent theme and that being the absence of dollars, teeth, etc which generically cluster as the miscellaneous miseries of the poor and (sob) downtrodden (i.e. me).

The current live play is the Reverend Silas Theology Sasquatch Ten-Dollar Flat-Rate Soul Saving Paradigm but, alas, the good Reverend cannot, thus far, report the salvation of any souls and thus the cash flow situation here at the Ministry of the Internet remains unchanged.

In part your ZSR (i.e. Zero Salvation Rate) is because people who come here likely see the good Reverend's insight into God as an obvious thing.  There isn't much content to it as God starts things and Jesus comes along much later.  There's no blazing insight in that but many people are confused on it due to a holistic amalgamation of Christian spirituality which combines God, Jesus, the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost ... and, man, it gets so complicated there's no possible way anyone can even understand it much less believe it.  The ones who get lost in those tunnels aren't likely to come here and they're the only ones who could benefit from what is otherwise an obvious insight.

Note:  yes, Kannafoot.  'Holistic' was for you.

Some may consider it a trivial point and prefer to argue fine points of the Bible but that doesn't serve the purpose.  There are multiple points of deep and fundamental theology in this focus.  The first is defining the Nature of God and always use capital letters because it looks cooler that way.  The other is whether Jesus can really 'be' God when he is the representation of God.  How is it possible to be both at the same time or is it possible.

Note:  there is absolutely no intention, desire, or passing idiot thought to undermine anyone's belief in anything.  These types of logical inquiries into the nature of spirituality, divinity, and Things Bigger Than Ourselves have occupied, amused, infuriated, confused ... all those things, for millennia.

If there's any 'education' in any of this it's that a more solid appreciation for the theology of our spiritual Universe will give greater appreciation for whichever religious document is most important to you.  This is one of the few areas which is more likely to settle questions than raise them.

For example, there had to be a God as we see the Universe he made.  If your only answer to that is 'well, it just fuckin' happened, you know,' then please sit your dumb ass down as we're wasting time with that thinking.

Where it gets interesting and potentially irrational is trying to determine the Nature of this God.  On this one you can go all day or the rest of your life if you like.

What I know is there is not a Hamilton in it for me so I can raise these matters but it's not going to put any jingle in the pocket and that is a radical bitch of a problem at this particular confluence in time.

Note:  we will not kill off the good Reverend.  We may burn him a little bit but we won't kill him off. Stay tuned for Episode 3 and the next lunatic move from the Rockhouse.

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