Friday, September 11, 2015

Great UFO Launches of the Past, Tennessee Chapter w/pics

Prior to starting any process with anything, it's important for men to stare it.  You will frequently see this phenomenon with broken cars as this will attract men, none of whom can fix it, but all of them will happily stare at the engine with you and commiserate with you on your tragedy.  "Yah, darlin'.  That motor is busted, alright.  See, thar's a big hole in it right thar.  All that thar oil leakin' out.  That ain't good."

Note the preparation men make for a night launch.  We're sure the sunglasses are important, we just really aren't sure why.

Damn, Earl, that thang done caught fahr!  It's gettin' bigger too.  Wow, does that mean if I set fire to my ...

(Ed:  stop right there, cowboy)

This gives the impression a law is about to be broken but, naturally, that's not true as we don't use drugs, launch illegal flying vehicles, and or act like scofflaws.  Tip:  we are not acting.

Actually it is true we don't use drugs ... they don't but I do.

Notice how precious people are about getting high these days.  You never ever should have let the hipsters screw with it.

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