Friday, September 11, 2015

Chicks Who Dig Machines - Lady Coder Edition

The Lady Coder is someone I met online and going through her profile revealed not a series of pictures of what she had overeaten on any given day but rather there was a parade of coolness of various types.

Since she is a coder, we're assuming she programs something but what that may be is not revealed as yet.  Coder is an ambiguous keyword with people who like to punch out computers as a coder can either be the best ... or the worst; the worst are dismissed as, well, they're just coders.  However, really hotshot coders will often be self-deprecating about it and say, well, I was just doing a bit of coding.  That's really not a problem as it wouldn't be English if you could look at a word and really be sure what it means.

Here's an offering from the Lady Coder today:  New Qualcomm Tech Could Lead to the Ultimate Drone

Frankly, Lady Coder, I was looking for a bit more bloggerocity on this insofar as what's so cool about it.  Qualcomm has made novel stuff for years so what is the twist this time.  That drone is sure one sexed-up li'l beastie, tho.

Many hobbyist drones appear to run in the $500 - $1000 US range.  The above looks like better construction, better materials, and is generally a superior vehicle.  Therefore, I'd be guessing this one is pushing $2000 US.

It probably has the usual things insofar as it flies, takes pictures, and comes on home.  We want to know what else it does, how much of a payload it carries, etc.

Our vision of ultimate drone is one which includes lasers.  The big lasers here would be much too heavy but there are small 5 mW lasers which run for hours on AA batteries and the payload from that would be less than an ounce.

(Ed:  you will have Feds down on your ass faster than you can say ISIS is the way ... to get a whole lot of people killed for nothin')

Nah, this is not for targeting aircraft.  We are not interested in man love and we figure those twenty-year convicts do that sort of thing a lot.  Our answer to resolving that problem is in the aim of the lasers.  Mount them so they fire downward and it will be impossible to target aircraft ... unless that is one previously-crashed aircraft.

(Ed:  why?)

Because this is the most hellacious ghost / UFO story possible at the time of this writing.  The killer is the prop noise so that comes back to the payload question.  Can this particular drone carry enough payload to support a speaker with enough capability to create another sound which over-rides or at least confounds the sounds of the drone propellors.

For the major physics crew out there, we're wondering if it's possible to use intelligent noise-canceling to sample the propellor noise in real-time, invert it, and re-broadcast it.  A low brain-weight, high-capability processor like a Raspberry could be perfect for such an application.  For the stoned major physics crew out there, if it is possible to use noise-canceling in that way, what does the Doppler Effect do to it.

(Ed:  if you design a stealth drone, you're busted for thought-crime as soon as they can get Tom Cruise on the phone)

Yah, that's a problem as my interest in blowing stuff up is right up there spending some quality hours with the Bush family while we reminisce about the good old days.

That gets editorial about the thought-cops coming around just for working up a decent UFO story but the consideration exists, I just don't want to write the editorial.

Note:  the reference to Tom Cruise is due to the role he played in "Minority Report" which specifically addressed thought crime.

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