Friday, September 11, 2015

It'd Be Time for Some Funny Before an Overdose on Political Fuckwads

Right away, we have those ones nobody likes anywhere:  hipsters.  Now they have found a way to make themselves even more precious, self-absorbed, and annoying:  (Vox) I love the Victorian era. So I decided to live in it.

It's hard not to love the Victorian Era, what with the smallpox, decimation of native Americans, slavery, etc.  The romance of the time is simply inescapable.  There are two salient considerations, however, as neither Taylor Swift nor Justin Bieber were even bad dreams at the time in history.  You would never hear "Wrecking Ball" ever again.  (Yes, I know Swift didn't do the song.  Who cares who did.)

If you call a Luddite, well, a Luddite, do understand there will be repercussions, at least as much as those microcephalic dolts can manage.  Obviously a Florida story and here was the provocation:

Walsh said in addressing the Port Canaveral Authority: "Are we going to make those people happy?  No.  Their own kids can't make them happy.  That's just the reality and we have a target on our back.  Dogs don't chase parked cars.  They chase the ones moving and this port is moving."  (News6 Orlando:

Hat tip to Walsh ... except they busted him for it.  You hurt our feelings.  Yah, of course he did.  Everything he said is true.  Ain't that a bitch.

Note to hipsters:  yes, we see his grammar sucks.  We don't care.

Yet another example of why flying toilets are really not such a good idea.  (KRCA 3:  Flying ice slams into Modesto home, damages roof)

In the article, it's claimed the ice did not come from the toilet of some aircraft but all other sources have already been eliminated.   It was too big and too fast to be hail and that was the best alternative explanation anyone could provide.  Unless someone can find a giant bird which shits ice cubes, there's not much of an answer beyond the output from an aircraft toilet.

Bomb's away.

Miss Vermont claims she will cause a 'foamy interruption' in a beauty contest tonight and, frankly, we doubted as Vermont has never caused an eruption in anything except bottles of maple syrup.  However, there is video so you can make up your own mind about her foamy interruption.  (Jezebel: Get a Load of the 'Foamy Eruption' Miss Vermont Will Demonstrate Tonight)

It's so much her idea which is interesting even though it does look sort of cool but rather how much cooler if Donald Trump were the judge and she did this to him.  For that show, I would pay admission, at least I would if Donald Trump didn't already have all the money.

So, you finally worked yourself up and you got a nice apartment in San Francisco for a ridiculous amount of money.  From this we conclude you just didn't want a castle in France for less money.  (NBC Bay Area: French Castles Cheaper to Rent Than San Francisco Apartments)

Note:  there is no record, to date, of a French castle disintegrating due to an earthquake but do beware if you see any young girls waving flags around your castle.  That could be a problem.  They didn't like it much when the English tried to take their castles although you may do better if, unlike the English, you pay for it.

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