Tuesday, September 19, 2017

You're Blazing Ithaka Toward a Million Reads ... Only a Few More Days Now

You have popped the number of reads for articles in Ithaka to over 990K so you definitely look like you're serious about taking it over a million.  That should happen roughly in the next ten days or so depending on how sprightly I can be about writing new articles.  Sprightly isn't exactly the first word I would choose as a descriptor for me in my situation but that's ok since this is really, really close now.

Earning a thousand reads a day isn't unusual on Ithaka so long as I write articles which are interesting for you to want to read them.  It's been a surprise in seeing your willingness to read deeply personal material about a singularly tough subject and yet so has it been making yet one more marvel for me in  seeing your interest for it.

There's no need to analyze that for why since it's better to accept it as a beautiful thing which exists and to greet it with the respect it deserves.  Writing in this way hasn't typically been my way but I'm picking up a strongly positive vibe from the way this works for everyone.

The above doesn't translate in English to say I know the best content for ten days times ten articles per day means a total of a hundred articles which, as of this moment, are artistic vapor.  That's all part of the gee whiz perspective since I've written twelve thousand or so articles for Ithaka through its run with me and now it only needs one hundred more ... gee.

In the coming days, there are things we will obviously see since I have the commitment to myself to deliver a #Blotto article every day.  That deal goes ten percent toward the finish line all by itself.  It's not fair to predict Seraphin's rate of production so, for that category of Seraphin articles, we know there's another measure of them which will come but it's not clear how many or how fast, etc.

In just a couple of items, the headroom for types of new articles within this end game was immediately reduced significantly and that's fine but it does mean some attentiveness is needed to ensure I don't get scattered in one ever so witty observation after the other about the strangeness of this time.  That shouldn't be a problem as it only needs a little focus.

Zen Yogi:  does this ten days notion relate to when you think the end game will actually be over?

No, Yogi, since I don't know and there's no resignation to anything since I don't have a useful or meaningful way to predict.  The overall vibe remains the same in looking for the best of it wherever that may be and to deal with other aspects as they present in front of me but don't need focus at any other time.

Maybe chasing a million reads looks childish but that's ok and it's a tremendously good vibe as it gets so close to getting there.  Nothing will actually change as a result of the achievement except the total count will get one more digit.  That's a bit like the way McDonald's counts the number of cheeseburgers they have sold but there's a strong vibe insofar as, yep, I've still got one more trick in me.

To get to this stage in life of being old and busted all to hell would suck a whole lot worse without the feeling I'm still good for something.  That's a great feeling and it's sustaining insofar as I will look forward to writing this or that article because I'm sure, yep, they will dig this one for sure.  That feeling isn't accurate every time but it works quite a bit and splendidly.

Thanks for your enthusiasm and I'll try to bring as much enthusiasm to you in return as I can manage.  Onward to a million reads ... tallyho.

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