Saturday, September 16, 2017

Amazingly, Wall Street Gets it that Retail is Dead

Even accounting for the delay for any news to reach CNN, this article is years behind reality.  The Rockhouse takes a not at all humble bow over calling this one quite a few years ago those who did heed it would be rich enough to call Donald Trump for valet parking.

CNN:  Wall Street bets Amazon will doom department stores, retailers

There's not a particular change to the Rockhouse view of things since Amazon has had a vastly superior delivery chain than conventional retail and, through those years, has sought steadily to improve it.  In that same interim, retail did almost nothing and the outcome of that lethargic business sense was inevitable.

The much more important aspect is the number of jobs which poof as a result which is also the long-term Rockhouse lament since we are not all equal and people who can perform at higher levels are mostly probably already doing it.  I'm not forgetting there is some percentage of people who can handle more challenging work but that's only addressed through social programs, etc.

CNN provides clear proof retail really is doomed and the simplicity of it shows its truth.

Unfortunately for retail employees and investors, that's been a winning trade. Anemic sales have forced hundreds of store closures, countless retail bankruptcies and tens of thousands of layoffs. Along the way, retail stocks have gotten crushed.

Consider that two-thirds of Macy's (M) market value has vanished over the past two years, and JCPenney (JCP) is down 90% since early 2012. Sears (SHLD), which also owns Kmart, has warned there's "substantial doubt" it will survive.


The importance of the matter is obvious when you consider the number of retail jobs in America has dwarfed the number of miner jobs.  Loss of coal miner jobs probably doesn't affect you personally but there's a high probability you know or live with someone who is directly affected by the loss of retail jobs.

The typical response is Congress will cry we must bail out retail and that's not so likely when they're not banks but the situation does represent a a large number of jobs and their adversity to deep thought has been historically obvious ... therefore, bail them out.

There's no need to push the point since you know already it won't work but that rarely stops Congress from trying to defeat evolution in action.

Insert the obligatory spiel on the need for a Guaranteed Universal Income and the extensions along that theme since all of that will inevitably be cheaper than an artificial bailout so it seems logical to the Rockhouse that you might as well prepare when it will happen anyway.  Then you can call yourself a hero as it happens and it will be accepted maybe especially by the others who called it a surprise.

Zen Yogi:  you won't last long enough to see it

Nope, I won't and I prefer to stick to material which doesn't require predictive psychic powers but this situation is screaming so loudly it doesn't need psychic powers to predict.

Zen Yogi:  so you can still cross your arms and look fiercely Trumpish while saying, "I told you so?"

Roger that, bear buddy, but lose the aspect of looking fiercely Trumpish since I prefer not to look like any more of an idiot than is genetically necessary.

Zen Yogi:  your genes make you do it?

Welcome to genetics, Yogi.

Note:  from 60s catchphrases the world never needed we have, "You bet your bippy."

Zen Yogi:  what's a bippy?

No-one knows, Yogi.

Zen Yogi:  but it was probably about sex?

Well, Jo Anne Worley or Goldie Hawn might be the one delivering the line so you tell me, mate.

The most troubling aspect of all of this is the confounding influence of American religion since those espousing it the loudest are not typically the brightest.  They promote a religious view which is so juvenile it never deserved to escape kindergarten but now we hear it as an endless litany from one posturing politician after the other.

The posturing doesn't constitute more than wasted oxygen but the effect they have on any kind of progressive legislation is disastrous.  The strike an awful contrast with the teachings of Jesus and yet they proclaim their love of him, seemingly unaware he was as progressive as anyone can ever get.

The Rockhouse is not assailing Christianity in America in general but rather the primeval view of it from Washington, most notably from the White House, is appalling.  For the best telling of the Rockhouse relationship to the Bible I'll likely ever manage, see yesterday's #Blotto but do be aware of heavy material.  (Ithaka:  Sometimes it Sucks a Little on the Trail of the #Blotto)

Zen Yogi:  heavy like in the 60s?

Nope since I mean life and death heavy but it's delivered as gently as possible so long as it doesn't compromise the truth of things.

There is no Rockhouse prescription for the confusion about religion.  Any time you mention opposition to the fundamentalist thinking it is immediately shouted down with cries that you're some kind of demonic hellion, an agent of Satan.  Logic has no effect on them and they don't even do much for religion when their behavior has nothing to do with anything in the Bible and those from any faith are offended by it but still it continues.

Zen Yogi:  nothing else to do but call it one hell of a mess and walk away?

I can't do it, Yogi.  Cadillac Man has said my positions may not always be acceptable but they are noticed and give reason to think.  That's all I can ask and so I continue.  People have at times reacted violently to things I have said or done but nothing I've said has been proven wrong.

In that regard, I didn't fail although many times it seems like it since we see perennially the need for sensibility but all we get is sophistry.  However, despite the fact they never change, the people do and it's my most fervent hope in the Millennials when they see things much more clearly than their elders in this way and they are consequently the brightest Hope I have.

Even though my thoughts are much in accord with those of Millennials, it doesn't create a fan club since they are becoming wise enough to accept the mantra of the 60s:  never trust anyone over thirty.

Nevertheless, they remain my Hope.  They are the Future and I see goodness in them which can make it happen while their elders remain assiduously determined to blow it all to hell.

Zen Yogi:  history always repeats itself

Except when it doesn't, mate, but we prefer to avoid a violent revolution because we're following the teachings of Jesus, Gandhi, MLK, and all of the spirits who sought change without violence.

Zen Yogi:  is this a back-handed pitch for Bernie Sanders?

It's not since I loathe the thinking of a cult of personality so the pitch is for anyone, regardless of skin color, gender, or any other confounding mumbo jumbo.  If you desperately need a name then I'll offer Tulsi Gabbard.  She is young enough to touch Millennials and her wisdom has been clear from the beginning.  I'm frequently assaulted with the notion I'm anti-feminism but the truth is I'm opposed to feminism when it's used as a tool since then it isn't feminism at all.

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