Monday, August 14, 2017

Ronald Reagan Cautioned About the KKK in 1951 | "Storm Warning" #History

Disclaimer:  there is no gag.  All of this is real.

The movie is not deep and it's not particularly good but it does address the crooked, corrupt, and violent ways of the KKK.  There is a scene from a cross burning in the movie and it struck me so much as a kid my mind photographed it as a vision of Hell.

WIKI:  Storm Warning (1951 film)

While there's no statement about the KKK and racism, the warning about the KKK as a dangerous and violent cadre is clear.  Yes, this may be the only time you ever see me agreeing with anything Reagan ever did.

When the KKK can get away with using free speech as a smokescreen for burning crosses, something is wrong.


Anonymous said...

I believe the ACLU used the KKK as?a client to defend Free Speech in Skokie Ill. That move did cost them members and some of the legal team asked to take that case.
I don't they take that case today

Unknown said...

Yes, that's true and it gets even better since the lawyers doing the defending were Jewish. My principles about things run strong ... but dayum ... that's bad ass.

I hope they would not take it today since this has gone far past free speech. In fact, maybe that's a topic to explore as to whether defending them in Skokie was the right thing to do.

Anonymous said...

It was wrong I thought so then and I still do. I don't agree with "I disagree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it".
I will defend Free Speech. But you will have to fight to say what you believe

Unknown said...

I'm acutely defensive of free speech but not when it's being used as a smokescreen

Anonymous said...

Maybe you miss my point. I will fight hard for free speech in concept.
They will have to fight their own fight. I understand the point that if one voice is silenced it won't be long before my voice is silenced.
But I wont lift a finger to help them

Unknown said...

When the people don't understand why NAZI parades are a problem, there may not be a way to help them. The Rockhouse is supposed to be some kind of beacon but mostly they just wait for it to go out. Charlottesville was a major killer of hope.