Tuesday, August 15, 2017

AG Jeff Sessions is Invited to the Easthampton Reefer Retreat in Massachusetts

Although no-one in America pays any tiny attention to the irritating squeaking from Jeff Sessions to other rodents, some of the people in Easthampton keep hamsters and they want to meet him.

Zen Yogi:  the people or the hamsters?

The hamsters, Yogi.  Apart from them, no-one wants to see him.


Zen Yogi:  get a rat trap and bait it with the temptation of secret licentiousness.  Sessions will be gone in sixty seconds or less.

Nice pacifism there, my furry bear buddy, but we do have a policy of restricting use of the traps to actual rats, Yogi.

Zen Yogi:  the V-1 buzz bomb was one of the worst terror weapons of WWII and Washington perfected it with the drone murder bomb.  You bet they're rats.

Fair enough, Yogi.  Inviting Sessions wasn't such a great idea since that dipshit thinks he's being daring when he plays the "B" side of a record.

Zen Yogi:  records don't have "B" sides anymore

In Jeff Sessions' world, records are a new invention.  Note:  Alabama spawned him.

They're serious about it in Easthampton.

Easthampton correspondent Mary C. Serreze reported that under the new law hammered out by the state legislature, and signed by Gov. Baker on Friday, licenses will be available for cultivation, product manufacturing and retail, as well as for agriculture-based “craft cooperatives.” The state’s Cannabis Control Commission may also issue other types of licenses, as they see fit.

Any local ordinance would be drafted by the Planning Board and sent to the City Council for further discussion. But time is tight, as the state’s Cannabis Control Commission plans to start issuing licenses to entrepreneurs in April.

- HT

At the Rockhouse, we see it but mostly think so what since these places will become ghost towns once general legalization of smoking reefer is more pervasive and it's rapidly moving in that direction.

Zen Yogi:  it's not that fast!

It sure as hell is.  I've seen California cops in the Sixties tearing down a car by the side of the road and they would gut the vehicle trying to find a single seed.  If located, everyone in the vehicle would go down hard for it.  Compared to those dark times, marijuana legalization is moving now like it's as smokin' as when the Roadrunner is outrunning Wile E. Coyote.

Zen Yogi:  you're not that much of a Roadrunner!

Jeff Session isn't much of a Coyote.

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