Saturday, February 11, 2017

Trump's Great Purge Has Begun but It's Based on False Pretenses

There's no evidence immigration exacerbates crime problems and examining forty years of data showed the more likely result is crime will drop in areas with dynamic changes due to immigration.  (Science Daily:  No link between immigration and increased crime, four decades of evidence finds)

Trump can quote Breitbart's manufactured statistics all he likes but the science shows the lie of them.

Political discussions about immigrants often include the claim that there is a relationship between immigration patterns and increased crime.  However, results of a University at Buffalo-led study find no links between the two.  In fact, immigration actually appears to be linked to reductions in some types of crimes, according to the findings.

- SD

The xenophobic racism endemic in the Republican Party is motivated by speeches rather than reality. The speeches aren't even original when Marine Le Pen, Geert Wilders, Nigel Farage and that whole crop of hatemongering lizards uses exactly the same mask.  No need to recite the history of it back to open Fascism since, unlike the Republican Party, you read.

The authors drew a sample of 200 metropolitan areas as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau and used census data and uniform crime reporting data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation for a 40-year period from 1970 to 2010.

"This is a study across time and across place and the evidence is clear," said Adelman.  "We are not claiming that immigrants are never involved in crime.  What we are explaining is that communities experiencing demographic change driven by immigration patterns do not experience significant increases in any of the kinds of crime we examined. And in many cases, crime was either stable or actually declined in communities that incorporated many immigrants."

- SD

In closing they recapitulate the original premise and present the basis for it.

Deportation of eleven million people requires an extraordinary commitment of police personnel so what happens to the real crime on the streets while this Great Diversion takes place.  And it is a diversion since any politician knows he or she can pull a stunt like this and get hateful people swooning.  You know the history.

Hillary Clinton did the same thing in wasting Libya which had one of the best social programs in the world.  Now there's nothing left except rocks and rubble but she got what she wanted in pretending to be a President.

"We came; we saw; he died!" - Hillary Clinton

That may well be one of the most despicable lines ever uttered by a politician and it's based on precisely the same logic Donald Trump is using now.  Don't be thinking this is all that different from Obama since that civil rights king was deporting them too; Trump has made it more aggressive but that's only a quantitative change to a horror which already existed.

And every bit of it based on a damn lie.

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